A bunch of red hair

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Venice P.O.V.

I never slept that night. I kept close my eyes but sleep never came.

It was weird my entire world was falling apart, not only because of Robert but also because of my dad. Although the things I told him last night were all true that didn't mean that he was ready to hear them or that it was the right time for me to tell him. 

The annoying sound of my alarm was echoing through the room, not that it was needed right now. I sat up avoiding to open my eyes afraid that nothing had happened and I still couldn't see. 

I blindly closed the alarm and then really slowly I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry , I tried not to panic since my eyes were close for at least 4 hours. I rubbed them lightly and then I opened and close them really quickly. Nothing had happened. 

I tried not to scream. This wasn't normal. I have never heard of anyone to loose their sights because they were crying. 

I thought of things that I could do. The first thing that came up to my mind was to wash my face, but this could be dangerous since I cannot practically see anything and there is 100% possibility of me tripping somewhere. 

The next best thing I could do was to scream and probably Grace and Carmen would run in my room and then I'm sure somehow I would end up in a hospital. 

Then again, Carmen has glasses but if I tell her that I cannot see she will send me in a hospital anyway. Also she has nearsightedness. And I cannot see anything right now. 

But then it hit me, in my nightstand I have a little box with my dead grandmother's things. A watch, some collective tarot cards, post cards from England and her glasses, and my grandmother was particularly blind. 

I started blindly searching in my nightstand and when I finally found the box I was ready to scream 'Bingo!' but then I remembered that maybe everyone else were sleeping. 

I grabbed the glasses and wore them. I could see! With my grandma's glasses on...

The thing that concerned me was how did this happened. And what if I will stay blind forever? 

I checked my phone to see the time. It was 5 o'clock in the morning. So my dad was already gone, but Grace and Carmen were probably still asleep. Therefore, I decided to go outside in our porch and draw, since it usually calms me. 

I sat in the bench we had there and I started drawing a pair of eyes. I like drawing eyes really much, I often starts with just a simple pair of eyes and somehow I end up with a pair of eyes that belonged whether to Tom , or to Lily, or even to Jace. 

I stopped after a while to stare at the sky. The sun had started to rising and thousands of clouds were covering the crystal blue sky. I really liked watching the clouds. 

I turned my sight to the drawing and I was surprised that I hadn't noticed before that I was drawing a rather familiar pair of eyes. I quickly doodled the whole drawing instead of erasing it. 

The thing was that I didn't hate him, I don't think that I could. He did and that was what was hurting the most. I hurt him and I didn't even notice it. But the things that he said about me just stayed there, stuck in my head. I felt a tear slipping from my eyes and I wiped it quickly.

I was about to start to draw something again. But when I looked dawn at my hands I was utterly shocked. My fingers were shaking. I tried to grab my pencil but I couldn't. What was going on? 

I grabbed my phone in my trembling hands and I tried to call Lily. After literally 5 minutes I did it. But I was crying as well from fear.

'Vee? It's almost 6 in the morning what is it?' she asked in a hoarse wet high voice.

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