'I don't have the strength to stay away from you'

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Venice P.O.V.

"I don't have the strength to stay away from you." he said looking deep into my eyes as his hands were around my waist. I sighed as I sensed him getting closer. I couldn't help but smile.

"Then don't." I said and his lips were inches away from mine just as he mumbled...

~14 hours earlier~

I heard an annoying  vibrating sound next to my ear I blindly stretched my hand and tried to close whatever it was, at first I was so unconscious that I thought it was my alarm but after some minutes I figured it was just my phone.

"What the hell do you want?" I said when I saw it was Rob, I love him, but nobody wakes me up and expect me to be all 'good morning'.

"Jesus, someone slept on the wrong side." he said with a chuckle.

"So funny. Why did you wake me up?" I asked with a hoarse voice.

"Because Lily will be there in any minute. She called you multiple times but you didn't pick up, so she called me. I thought that you were a light sleeper." he said and I could imagine his smirk.

"I had silenced it so it was just vibrating. Anyway why will be Lily coming here?" I asked as I got up from bed.

"It's prom night, Vee. Lily said that you were supposed to go shopping today." he said and I was trying to put on my leggings whilst talking to the phone not very smart if you are me, I fall down.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he asked with concern in his voice. 

"Yes I just fall on my butt whilst I was trying to put on my leggings and talking to you." I said and I heard him burst into laughter.

"You are unbelievable." he said and he continued laughing.

"I know." I said smiling and I put on a floral crop top.

"Lily has the clothes that I asked Beth to pic up for you in her car." he said casually.

"You have to tell me as what we are going to the dance. For what I know, I may hate it." I said.

"Oh, trust me, you'll hate it." he said chuckling even more, and I have to say that his chuckle is amazing. 

"Lily is here, so I got to go." I said.

"Love you." he said and I felt my heart melting.

"Love you too." I said and I hung up.

To be honest I thought I would feel weird dating him. But being with him, kissing him, actually doing everything with him was as easy as breathing.

"Hi, weirdo." said Lily from her car.

"Hi to you too." I said and took a seat next to her. As I sat down from the corner of my eye I saw a bag that had my name on it, I was about to grabbed it but she stopped me.

"No way, I'm following strict orders. You cannot have this before we start dressing up for prom. " she said with a smirk on her face.

"I hate him and I hate you too!" I said pouting she ignored me focusing on a piece of paper in her hands.

"Love you too. Okay, we need knee-high socks, a black skirt that I already have from American Apparel. A grey V neck sweater along with a white shirt and a grey capri lace leggings for you." she said smiling.

"Why do I need lace leggings?" I asked horrified.

"Just go with it." she said doing a weird gesture with her hands. 

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