Gilbert's life

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[ Gilbert narrating] my name Gilbert blythe and my life is horrible. I live with my mom and stepdad,when my mom isn't home my and my stepdad gets in to fights not just talking ones physical ones....[in Gilbert's  house]
[G] NO
[stepdad hit Gilbert in the face]
[Gilbert Yelps]
[Pushes Gilbert to the floor and kicks him in the ribs]
[Gilbert narrating] I bullied every day at school by troy and some bullys[at school] [T]hey loner
[Troy pushes Gilbert to the floor]
[Gilbert grunts because of his ribs]
[Gilbert narrating] I have a brother named mike but he's never home besides at night he's always hanging with the football team,I have bruises all over my body from troy and my stepdad,well time to get back to my horrible life. [At home mom leave for work mike out with friends] [stepdad] I need you to clean the bathrooms
[G]no why can't mom do it when she comes home
[Stepdad]BECAUSE you're mom is going to be tired when she's comes home
[Gilbert sighs]
[Stepdad hit Gilbert hard]
[Gilbert blacks out[

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