Perfectly Criminal

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Cerise walked sluggishly down the street. Her hands were buried in her pockets and her hoodie hood was pulled up over her face. She was on her way to meet up with her sister, however, she was trying to get out of it. She thought maybe if she didn't show they'd go on without her. But that wasn't the case. They needed her. Cerise knew that her sister and her cousin couldn't get the job done without her, Cerise cursed under her breath. Why did her hearing have to be so damn good?

Cerise turned the corner and saw her sister standing at the entrance of an ally way. Cerise sighed and slowly approached her. Ramona smirked when she saw her sister. She nodded her head for Cerise to follow her. The two walked to the back of the ally and stood behind a giant dumpster. Ramona checked to make sure the coast was clear. Cerise rolled her eyes, she knew that no one in their right mind would be back here.

Once Ramona determined that is was clear, she spoke. "So you got my call?"

Cerise nodded. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

Ramona grinned. "Well, after the stunt you pulled last time..." she trailed off. "We weren't sure if you'd show up. Honestly, I voted against you helping us."

It was Cerise's turn to smirk. "But you couldn't  do that, you couldn't do any of this without me."

Ramona stayed silent. "Sparrow wants to meet up tonight to discuss the plan. Be there." And with that Ramona left.

Cerise started to feel sick. She didn't want any part of this. She had tried so long ago to get out of this, but no matter how hard she tried her family pulled her back in. Cerise wished that Ramona could learn how to open a damn safe, but she couldn't. Cerise had learned from the best, and the best was now gone.


Cerise walked up to the dingy nightclub that her cousin loved so much. She looked up at the sign, the H light in the name was burned out so it read, "ocus" Cerise rolled her eyes, it made the place look even worse. The Hocus Nightclub had anything but a good reputation. It was one of those places that most people avoided, even drunken party goers stayed clear of Hocus. Cerise often described it as, 'If you think it looks dirty on the outside, wait until you go inside.' But of course Cerise's idiotic cousin found himself there every Saturday night.

As Cerise walked in she was greeted with a large crowd and horribly loud music. Cerise scrunched up her face. She hated loud music, it hurt her ears-as a result she stayed away from parties and clubs. But tonight, she had no choice.

It didn't take long for Cerise to find her sister, she was sitting at a table in the corner. Cerise glanced over at the bar, she saw Sparrow buying a girl a drink. Cerise walked over to the table and sat by her sister. Ramona nodded at Cerise. The two sat in awkward silence as they waited for Sparrow. Knowing him it might be awhile.

Ramona took a swig from her glass as they waited. Cerise awkwardly looked around. She tapped her fingers on the table. She was nervous, nervous about what her cousin wanted her to do. After a few minutes Sparrow showed up and sat down with them. He evilly smirked at Cerise. "I have to say," he started. "I didn't think you'd show. I thought we'd have to hunt you down. But, your sister said she could get you here. And she did." He glanced at Ramona. Cerise wished she hadn't made it so easy for them to find her.

"Cut the chit chat Sparrow. Why I am here? Tell me what I have to do." Cerise said coldly.

Sparrow chuckled. "What ever happened to family reunions?"

Ramona shot him a look and he stiffened. "We have a new plan. We going to rob Grimm's place."

Cerise looked at him in confusion. "Why rob that old guy, when there's a million perfectly good banks?"

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