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I woke up earlier than I wanted. My house was quiet and peaceful for once and I took the advantage of it to shower and eat some breakfast. It was my first day back at school and I wanted to make a good impression on everyone. I've changed since i've been away and I'm beginning to like the new me. I picked out dark, high waisted, peach colored shorts and a flower tank top. I paired the outfit with my blue low top converse and straightened my hair. I don't wear much makeup so I threw on some mascara and called it a day.

"Stanleyyy" I said as I shook my sleeping brother awake "Let's gooo."

"Fine. Fine" He grumbled and got ready much quicker than I ever could. We got into the car and made the short journey to school.

"You sure you're ready for this??" He asked me looking concerned and taking the key out of the ignition.
"I'm as ready as i'll ever be" I sighed and got out of the car. "Here we go"

When I walked in the atmosphere felt so different. The first thing I saw were serpent jackets. Stanley had told me south side high had merged some students with us but it never really felt true until I saw it. I loved the south side unlike most people residing in Riverdale. My uncle (still lives there) and my dad grew up there. They were both southside serpents when they were younger but my dad moved to riverdale to start his family with my mom and he left the gang. My uncle still is one I think but I haven't seen him in a while. Sammy (my dad)  and Charley Shepherd.

I spotted Betty and Archie at her locker and I walked over to them and awkwardly said hi because they didn't notice me at first.
"Hey Soph!! It's so good to see you here again" Betty said squeezing me with a hug.

"Glad to be here" I said as Archie hugged me next.
"Hey Angel face" He said and I buried my head into his chest.

Archie was the only person besides my dad to ever call me Angel face. It made my heart warm to hear it again.

"Well I better get to the office" I smiled and headed that way.

I got looks from all around the hall. I'm sure whispers of Sophia Shepherd being back were circulating throughout the school as I made my venture. Distraction from the constant looks made me bump into someone who in reaction dropped all of her things. She was small, about my size. Her hair was brown with pink streaks in it and she had a Serpent jacket on.

"UGH" She said and knelt down to pick everything up.

"My gosh i'm so so sorry" I said as I helped her frantically.

"I got it" She seemed so annoyed and I felt like an asshole.

"You're a Serpent?" I asked trying to maybe not make her hate me.

"Yeah you got something to say about it??" Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that at all. My Uncles a serpent too. My dad was one. I like the serpents I don't have anything against-" I started to ramble but she cut me off.

"Who's your Uncle?" She said uncrossing her arms and loosening up a bit.

"His name is Charles Shepherd" I said.

She didn't intimidate me or anything but I had the urge to befriend her. I needed people here to like me. My old self would've helped her gather her things and never speak to her again. Honestly i probably would've joked about it with people later not even feeling bad for her.

"No shit. Charley Shep?? He used to go by Chains but he doesn't really use it much anymore. He's my neighbor actually. Great guy" She smiled at me.

"I'm Sophia" I said sticking my hand out for her to shake it. She took it gently but still firmly and smiled bigger.

"Toni Topaz, and I think we are gonna get along just fine sweet heart." She winked "See you around"

My heart felt lighter and I felt like I was the lonely kid who finally made a friend in first grade.

I grabbed my schedule from the office and the day went on slowly but surely. I got the usual stares in the hallway but no one actually said anything to me. I felt like a total stranger in a place that had been my home for so long.

When it was time for lunch however, I was hit with a dilemma. I had three options on where to sit. I could sit with Archie, Betty and Veronica where Jughead was most likely to end up. I could sit with Cheryl and the Rivervixens where i'll be asked a million questions by some of the air heads or I could sit with Toni, who called me over to sit with the other Serpents.

My decison was ultimately made by where I would be most comfortable and that was with Toni. I had only just met her but Cheryl and I weren't close and I definitely didn't want to face Jughead or get to know Veronica.

I walked over hesitantly and sat down next to Toni.
"Who's this??" A taller kid with slicked back hair said to Toni.

"This is Sophia, her uncle is Charley Shep" Toni said smiling as if she was proud of me.

"No way! Dudes a legend. You're welcome to sit with us whenever. Or yanno if you wanna join" The boy said winking "I'm Sweetpea"

"Nice to meet you, haha but i'll have to pass on the other offer as of right now" I felt
comfortable here as if it was a family that would always accept me. Sadly however the good feeling left when we got halfway into lunch and the worst thing could possibly happen. I was talking to Toni when I heard Sweetpea and the other boys say "Hey Jughead what's up!" My heart sank into my stomach once again and I looked in his direction. To my surprise he was wearing a Serpent jacket. No one thought it would've been a good idea to tell me Jughead was a serpent???

"Hey Jug this is Sophia she's pretty rad" Toni said waving him over.


Jughead saw me and his expression changed completely from content to flustered.

"I've met her, you're right she's not too bad" He said forcefully. He swallowed and then cleared his throat. "I'll see you guys later"

He walked over to Betty's table and sat down. The rest of lunch he constantly turned to look at me and I felt like I had intruded on his life. He put his arm around Betty and my heart ached. I was glad that he was happy with her. It's all he deserved.

The day ended and in conclusion I had a couple classes with each of my friends. I had two classes with Archie, three classes with Betty, two classes with Toni, one class with Veronica even, one class with Cheryl, and sadly three classes with Jughead.

I was getting ready to go home when Toni shouted my name. I looked around to find her on a motorcycle next to Sweetpea who was in his car.

I walked over to see what was up.

"Do you wanna come to the Whyte Wyrm with us later? We can stop by my place and change your outfit, no offense, and maybe you can catch up with your uncle" She smiled holding out a spare helmet.

I smiled. That sounded amazing. I was dying to see my uncle Charley and to see the southside again.

"Yeah! That would be awesome. I'll text my brother real quick to let him know he can leave." I said grabbing the extra helmet.

I texted Stanley and got on the back of Toni's motorcycle. As i was clicking the strap to the helmet Betty, Archie, Veronica, and Jughead all walked out of school.

"Oh there she is!!" Betty said pointing in my direction. She began shouting to me "HEY SOPH DO YOU WANNA-" Before I heard her invitation to who knows what I told Toni I was ready to go and we started riding to the southside.

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