The train ride

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I take a deep breath and run towards the wall. I pass through it with ease and instantly the sound of voices hits me. All around me kids get ready to board the Hogwarts. Parents fuss about their children making sure they have everything. My mother comes up behind me and so does my father. My brother has already run off to find his friends. Typical. My mother helps me navigate around the platform. I hand my trunk in and my cat stays with me. I turn to my parents who both look a little sad. I hug them one at a time, making sure I take in every moment. I finally let go and give them a quick kiss. The train is about to leave so I quickly make my way on. Once on the train kids are running around finding compartments to share with their friends. I didn't have many friends. I had one called Sophie but she has other friends as well. She will be sitting with them and I don't really get a along well with them so I make my to an empty apartment. I find one and sit inside it. I bring out the book I am reading, which is Hogwarts through the ages. I thought I should study up a bit before school starts. The train begins to start and I let myself relax as my first journey to Hogwarts begins. I hear a faint knock on the door and look up. A smile spreads across my face as I see Sirius standing there. He opens the door and walks in. ' You don't mind if I sit here do you?" He asks. I shake my head and reply," No not at all." I go back to my book but I can feel his eyes on me. " What is it?" I ask. He smiles at me. " well it's just I thought a half blood like you would have friends to sit with." The question bothers me a little. Normally I would but I prefer the company of books better. " I...I have never found someone I can get alone with. I like books better," I say at hold up my book. He nods his head but I can tell he is trying not to laugh. " What now." He tries to stop smiling but he can't. He sighs. " Oh it's just that your one of those people that are obsessed with books aren't you?" I roll my eyes. " So what if I am. What about you any way. Where are your friends?" I ask trying to turn the subject around. He looks at the ground but when he looks up he is still smiling. " I have the pure blood family that insist on only socialising with people who are pure blood," he says. I nod realising that I probably shouldn't have asked that. I am about to go back to my book when another knock comes. I look up and see a young boy with glasses standing at the door. He opens it and looks at us. " Can I come in? Everywhere else is full." We both nod as he comes in and sits next to sirius. " I'm James by the way," he says introducing himself. Sirius introduces himself and they both look at me. " I'm Lucy," I say. He smile sat me and says hello. Him and sirius begin to talk. " Im a pure blood but my family like half bloods and muggle borns," James comments. This is a natural conversation that goes on between young witches and wizards. " half your luck. I'm pure blood but my family are all about being pure blood," Sirius comments back. I look at them over my book. " Oh ditims," I jokingly say. He pokes his tongue out at me. " What about you Lucy?" James inquires. I put my book down clearly not going to be able to get any read. " I'm a half blood." He nods and him and sirius continue their conversation. I look up and see another young boy standing at the door. He knocks and comes in. " Can I sit with you?" He asks shyly. We all nod and he sits next to me. " I'm Lucy a half blood, this James a pure blood but completely fine with muggles and half bloods and this is Sirius a pure blood who hates muggle borns." I say the last bit jokingly. Sirius rolls his eyes but a smile creeps into his face. " I am not. My family is but I am definitely not," I says back. I roll my eyes back at me. The boy next to me seems a little nervous. " I'm remus and I'm a half blood," he ins tricycles himself. I smile at him. Just when another knock comes. We all look up and see a little short plump boy standing there. He walks in and before he can say anything sirius says," Yes you can sit with us but we will do the short introduction. I'm sirius a pure blood, this is James also a pure blood, this is Lucy a half blood and this is remus another half blood." We all wave to the new boy who sits next to remus. " I'm peter and I'm a pure blood," he says timidly. I smile at him. " Well I come into a compartment by myself and end up with four guys," I say pretending to be angry. They all laugh. " fine we will leave if that's how you feel," James teases me. I laugh at his comment. " ok how about we play a game where we have to guess everyone's last names," Sirius asks obviously bored. We all agree so he starts off. " Ok Lucy let's see a half blood with blond hair and brown green eyes. My guess is your last name is young," he says. Everyone stares at him in disbelief as I nod my head.

" Ok what are you stalking me now," I tease him. He shrugs hi shoulders but reveals his secret none the less. " Well your last name might have been on the receipt for you uniform." We all laugh at this. " Ok James. A pure blood but whose family likes half bloods and muggle borns. Black hair, hazel eyes and light skin. I guess you are a Potter," I guess not knowing if I was right or not. " He stares at me shocked and I know I have guessed right. The wizarding world is quiet tight so most families at least know the last names of all the wizarding families. " That's very good," he says astonished. I just shrug my shoulders and smile. It's James turn next. He turns to Remus. " Ok Remus. Let's see light brown hair and green eyes," he starts. He pauses for a moment as if considering something. Finally he shrugs his shoulders and sighs. " I've got nothing," he says. We all laugh and I begin to get a sense of who everyone is. " Nice try but my last name is Lupin." James smiles and admits defeat. Remus turns to peter. " Ok peter. Brown hair and brown eyes. Pale skin. You must be a Pettigrew," Remus concludes. Peter confirms his last name and we all give a round of applause for Remus. He mocks a bow which throughs us into another fit of laughter. Finally it's peters turn. " Ok sirius. A pure blood hating family. Black hair and grey eyes. This is to obvious. You clearly are a Black." Sirius nods at his assumption. " Don't judge me because of my family," sirius adds quickly. The trolly lady comes past and we all but some lollies. I open my chocolate frog. " Oh another Dumbledore," I say annoyed. I take the frog and quickly put it into my mouth the sweet taste of chocolate feels my mouth. James is holding a box of Bertie bots. He offered them around and we all take one. I put mine in my mouth and a disgusting taste fills my mouth. " Oh seriously. I got rotten egg. Who even invented these things." Sirius seems to be in just as much pain as me. " At least it's not vomit. I don't think I can ever get used to the taste of these," he exclaims. We all laugh.

I walk down the corridor to the toilets. A bunch of girls are all standing around getting changed. I find a corner next to a girl with Dark red hair and quickly put my robes on. All the older girls stand around putting their make up on before we arrive. I finish changing and make my way back out to the corridor of compartments. All of them are filled with laughing kids of all ages. I find the carriage I was in and take my seat. I am the first one back. Typical. The girl is the quickest one to change. I look out at the tall mountains that are covered in shadows from the dark night sky. Bright stars shine down on them. The boys finally arrive and seem to be laughing at something. "Do I even want to know what you are laughing at," I say intrigued. They look at each other as if deciding if they should tell me. " Well James seems to think that he found the girl of his dreams," Sirius exclaims laughing while he says it. " What's wrong with that," I protest. The all look at each other and laugh even more. " Of course you would say that your a girl," Sirius says. I roll my eyes at him. " And of course you would say that your a guy," I comeback with. They all smile at me as Sirius looks embarrassed. " Not used to getting beaten by a girl mate," remus comments. We all go into another fit of laughter and I realise that Hogwarts isn't what I really wanted it was friends and now I think I might finally have some. I just hope we are all in the same house. The train begins to slow and I realise we are at Hogwarts. My excitement builds and I feel on a sugar rush already. " First years this way," a loud voice booms. We all stand up and make our way off the train ready to begin our journey.


hey everyone. Sorry for the long wait for an update. I hope you like this chapter I found it very fun to write. Thanks for all the reads. Please vote and comment xxx

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