Lucy Young ( A Harry Potter Fan fiction)

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The owl dropped the letters on the table and flew out. I picked them and shuffled through them. That's when I spotted it. The hogwarts crest stamped on the back with my name on the front. I let out a loud squeal. My mother walks into the room. " What on earth is going on," She asks me. " It came it finally came," I say practically jumping with excitement. My mother laughs. " Well open it then," she says to me. I open it up and read out load," Dear Miss Young. We are pleases to inform you, you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry." I let out a high pitch squeal. My dad comes in next. " What is going on?" He asks. I hold up my letter. " I am officially a proud Hogwarts student," I say. He laughs. " Well I guess we better plan our trip to Diagon alley," My mother says. A huge grin spreads across my face. I was going to finally learn all the spells my parents could do. I run upstairs to my bedroom where I jumped up and down excitedly. I looked out the window and see a bunch of kids on the nearby field playing quiditch. I couldn't wait to learn to fly. They flew around with grace passing the ball back and forth and finally throwing it in the middle ring where the keeper failed to save the ball. I had grown up with magic in my life and it has always fascinated me. I am a half- blood. Meaning my mum was a muggle born and my dad was a pure blood. I often wondered what it would be like to just be a normal muggle but I always thought that this life was much more exciting.

" Diagon alley," I say clearly and throw the powder into the fire. I feel a swirling sensation as I travel from one place to another. I land in a fire place in a shop. My mother is standing waiting for me. I step out and stand beside her. My brother comes next and then my father. We step out into Diagon Alley. Immediately the laughter of children hits you. All around me children run around looking in shop windows and excitedly buying supplies for school. " Well we best start with your uniform," My father says. We make our way to the uniform shop. We walk in and find only one other family there. There was a couple who had 2 children both who were boys. One of them stands out the most. He had brown curly hair and smiles at me when I walk in. I return the smile. His mother sees him do this. " Sirius Black what have I told you about half-bloods," His mother says to him Sternly. He quickly looks away from me but ignores his mothers question. I look away as well. We make our way to the counter where we are greeted by a happy woman. She smiles at us and asks," Going off to Hogwarts then? What houses?" My mother speaks before me of my brother could reply. " Lucy is a first year and James is in Gryffindor." She nods and quickly ushers us towards a measuring table. She stands me up there first. She measures and prods me making sure to get the exact measurements. " All done sweetie," she says smiling at me. I hop down stand there as my brother begins to get measured. I begin to walk around looking at all the different robes. That's when the boy Sirius comes up to me. " Hey," he says causally as though his mother didn't yell at him before for just looking at me. " Hi." He smiles as he sees me looking wondering at all the robes. " What house do you want to be in?" He asks me sounding interested. I think that maybe I shouldn't be talking to him as he is one of those people that hate half bloods and muggle borne but I suppose that he is here talking to me so he can't be all bad. " Well my family has been in Gryffindor for ages now so I do hope to get in Gryffindor just like all my family," I reply. He nods as he considers this. " I on the other hand want to do the complete opposite. My family has been in Slytherin for generations but I hope to brake that by getting into Gryffindor." I stare at him wide eye. Most wizarding children want to get into the house that their family has been in. " Won't your parents be disappointed?" I ask stunned. He gives a soft laugh. " Yes, probably. I don't care though. My whole family is cruel and don't understand the real meaning of wizardry." I laugh at his comment. " Oh yeah what's the real meaning of wizardry then?" I ask teasingly. He is about to answer when a familiar voice cuts through our conversation. " Lucy. Where are you? We are leaving," my mothers voice says. I look at sirius and try to apologies with my eyes. " Coming mother," I reply. I begin to turn around when sirius stops me. " Hopefully we will see each other in Gryffindor then?" He asks me. I nod and walk off. " Nice name," he adds just before I leave the store. I can't help but laugh which causes my parents to give me strange looks when I come our of the store. I quickly stop and pretend nothing happened.

We continue to shop collecting all the necessary books and equipment until only one thing is left, a wand. My brother already has his so it's just me that needs one. I walk into the shop and immediately see rows and rows of wands all placed on top of each other. The air is musty as though the shop hardly ever gets clean. The sounds from outside are muffled and can hardly be heard. I walk up to the little counter and ring the bell. A few seconds later a man appears. He has grey hair and looks very old. " Ah Miss Young is it?" He asks in a voice that sounds as though he has a lot of knowledge packed away. I nod my head a little scared of what might happen. He smiles at me and quickly darts of into one of the rows of wands. He slips out a phlox and walks back over to me. I take the box and take out the wand. I give it a quick flock and cause a swirl of wind to appear. I quickly put the wand away as olivander shakes his head. He takes the box back and walks to another row. Once again he takes a box out and walks over. My heart pounds as I take the box and grab the wand inside. Immediately power rushes through me. I can feel it pulling me as though it wants me. Olivander smiles and looks pleased with himself. I carefully place the wand back in the box. " ah so it's a dragon heart string and unicorn hair for you then. This wand it powerful and contains much power," he says to me. I feel my heart quicken even more as I pay for the wand. I am about to walk out with I think of something. " How did you know my name when I walked in?" I ask him. A small smile appears on his cracked lips. " A wand maker learns the name of all witches and wizards. It helps us picks the wand for you." With that I walk out of the shop and into the bright sunlight. It warms my skin and I breath in the fresh air. I make my way to the cafe that my family are at. I am almost there when I catch sight of the brown curly hair again. I try to ignore him but he catches my eyes and I can't help but smile. He smiles back and gives me a small wave. I wave back but his mother catches us again. She shoves sirius along and begins yelling at him. He casts a quick look back and shakes his head laughing silently. I try to hide my laugh but it comes out. I quickly walk away to find my family. I find them sitting at a small table talking. They smile at me when I walk up to them. " so what wand did you get?" My father asks me. I bring my wand out and show them. " It's a dragon heart string and unicorn hair. It's meant to be really powerful," I say a little proudly. My parents look surprised. " Well you must be careful with It for powerful wands can lead to dangerous things," my mother informs me. I nod and quickly dismiss their warning. I order a milkshake and sit and enjoy the warmth of the sun on my back. My parents are quietly talking but I zone out. I have a feeling my brother does to as he says nothing. At first I think of hogwarts and all the adventures that are soon to be had but then my mind slowly drifts to Sirius. His smile that lights up his eyes. The way he disapproves of his parents thoughts on half bloods and muggle borns. " Lucy?" My mums voice cuts through my thoughts. I look up and find my parents looking at me. " yes," I stammer out. My mother lets out a soft laugh. " We were just saying how excited you must be to finally be going off to Hogwarts." I nod my head in agreement.

We spend the rest of the afternoon walking around Diagon alley. I can't wait to start quidditch so I can by my first broom. By the time I get home I am exhausted and after having dinner I cuddle up into my bed. I can hear kids running around outside having fun on their last few days of holidays. Most people want holidays to last longer but I want them to be over so I can finally learn the art of magic.

******************************************************************************************** hi everyone I finished the first chapter!!! Thanks to everyone who has read this chapter I love you all ❤️

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