Chapter 3: Hogwarts

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We all quickly jump up and make our way off the train. A big group of first years stand around a tall man. I look over to sirius who smiles at me. The tall man waits until every is there before introducing himself. " I'm Hagrid the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts." He proudly introduces himself. His personality seems friendly. We all stay together as we walk to th edge of a lake. The night is dark with brings stars. Boats wait at the edge of the lake. We all hop into the one boat and slowly make our way to Hogwarts. Slowly it comes into view and it takes my breath away. The castle looks like something out of a fairy tale. It's magnificent walls reach high into the sky and the lights from inside twinkle like the stars in the sky. All around me the gasps from everyone can be heard. Slowly our boats make it to shore. Hagrid is the first out and after helping a few others out he shows us the way into Hogwarts. We walk in through giant doors that are locked after we enter. All around me are stairs. They make there way up to the very top of the castle. I spot a middle aged woman standing at the top of the first floor. We slowly make our way out I her. Her face is set in a straight line indicating that she is strict but her eyes show a more soft version. Once we reach her we all group around and wait for her to talk. " I am professor mcgonagall. Welcome to Hogwarts. In a few minutes you will pass through these doors and into the great hall. Once in there the sorting ceremony will begin where you will be sorted into your house. Your house will become your home while at Hogwarts. Good work will gain you points while any rule braking will lose them. At the end of the year the house cup will be awarded to the house with the most points." Her voice in strong. I nod at her words. To a wizarding family all of this is already known. She disappears into the hall and a few people start to talk. I turn to face all the boys. " Well this is it then." They all nod their heads. All of their faces show a trace of fear. It is more noticeable on Remus and Peter's face while Sirius and James are trying to hide it. I smile at them. " come on don't be scared. Our lived officially begin today." This cheers them up a little but not much. James whispers something to Sirius who sniggers. I give them a questioning look but they ignore it. I look to what they are laughing at. A young boy with long black hair stands next to a girl with bright orange hair. The girl is the one I saw on the train. I don't know why they would be laughing at her or her friend so I decide to leave it for now. Professor McGonagall comes back and leads us into the great hall. As we enter voices fill my ears. I look up at the enchanted roof. It shows the night sky while candles float below it. We make our way to the front of the room where the professors sit. I see hagrid sitting next to some teachers and Dumbledore sits in the middle. At the front of the room is a stole in which a hat sits. Professor McGonagall pulls out a list of names and reads the first one. A girl with soft blond hair stands up and makes her way to the front. The hat is placed on her. " Ah. A smart girl. You are destined to achieve high standards. Better be ravenclaw." Loud cheers erupt from the ravenclaw table as the girl makes her way to them. My heart begins to pick up speed as more and more people go. " Sirius black." I turn to sirius who looks pale. He slowly makes his way up to the stole where he timidly sits down. The hat is placed on him and takes a while to start talking. " Ah another black. A different sort though. You posses courage that will lead you to do good things. Better be Gryffindor." I see a big smile cross his face as he makes his way to the cheering Gryffindor table. He looks over to us and smiles. A few more people are sorted. " Lily Evans." The girl with the orange hair steps up. The hat is placed on her head and after a moment of thinking places her in Gryffindor. More loud cheers are heard from the Gryffindor table. She makes her way to the table. Her hair flowing gracefully behind her. More and more names are read off. " Remus lupin." Remus takes a deep breath in as he makes his way to the front of the hall. " A tricky one you are. I see intelligence but also a great deal of courage. Courage that will help you in the future. Better be Gryffindor." Relief crosses his face as he heads over to sit next to Sirius. I give each other a high five and then look to the remains of us. The group is slowly getting smaller. " Peter Pettigrew." Peter makes his way to the front of the room. " Courage is hard to find in a person. Courage can lead to great things but also terrible. You have powerful courage but remember what good is. You better be in Gryffindor." I see the confusion on his face but also relief. It's just me and James left. " James potter." James walks up with pride and courage. He sits in the stool. " James potter. A mystery to me. I see darkness but courage. Lots of courage better be Gryffindor." He smiles and makes his way to the Gryffindor table. I look over to them and they all give me thumbs up. I see lily Evans looking at James. I smile and indicate my head to her. He turns around and introduces himself to her. More and more people are being sorted. I feel my palms begin to sweet. What if I was the only one who didn't get into Gryffindor. " Severus snape." The black haired boy steps forward. I look to lily who is watching him closely. As he sits down he casts her a glance and she smiles encouragingly at her. " Hmmm difficult. You have courage but you have a lot of cunning in you. You face darkness. Slytherin shall be the house for you." I see disappointment and sadness cross his face. I see lily look at him as he makes his way to slytherin. Soon only a few people are left. " Lucy young." I feel myself begin to shake slightly. I make my way slowly up to the stool. Professor McGonagall gives me a smile as she places the hat on my head. " Hmmm tricky very tricky. You have intelligence and you would do well in ravenclaw." I feel my heart drop . " But there is something else in you. Something that is yet to come out. Hmm I think Gryffindor is where you belong." I sigh a sigh of relief as the hall erupts into loud cheers. I make my way to the table where I sit next to Sirius. He gives me a hug but then quickly pulls away. I see him blush slightly. I feel myself blush as well. James, Peter and Remus all give me high fives. " Well we did it," James says excitedly. We all nod excitedly. The red haired girl sits looking over at Severus. I decide to introduce myself. " Hi I'm Lucy," I say. She smiles at me and extends her hand. I take it as she replies," I'm lily." Everyone has finally been sorted and the feats begins. I eat so much food that I feel slightly sick at the end of the night.

We make our way to the common room. We are given a password which is spoken by our head boy. We walk in and I gasp once again. It's gorgeous there is couches by a fire and table and chairs. We are told where are bedrooms are and slowly everyone makes their way up. I decode to stay down with sirius. I sit on the couch and watch the fire. He comes and sits next to me. We sit there for a while. " Who would have guessed that we would have ended up in the same house huh." I smile at him. " I know. It's awesome." Our classes start tomorrow so I didn't want to stay up to late but I found myself not wanting to leave sirius. " You now I have never been good with making friends but all of a sudden I feel like I have tons," I say shyly. He smiles at me and takes my hand. I feel butterflies fill my stomach. What the hell was going on. Is it even possible to feel this way at this age. " Well just to clarify I think you are amazing." His words make me blush and I quickly look back to the fire. " Oh how cute." A voice cuts through my thoughts. I see James, Peter and Remus standing behind us. I blush even more and I feel sirius quickly release my hands. " Oh come on where just friends." I see sirius look a little hurt at these words but quickly ignore it. They come and sit with us. James sits between us and I see him smirk at Remus who just shakes his head.

" Well talking about this what about you and that lily girl?" I inquire. James blushes but hides it.

" well not much actually I think she has a little crush on that stupid snape," he snarls. I laugh at this. " Oh come on she was so into you." I may have added a little sarcasm to this. They all laugh at my comment.


Hey everyone. Sorry for not updating in ages. I hope you like this chapter. Thanks for all the reads. Please comment and vote xxx

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