Class starts

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The sound of voices drift into my ears as I slowly wake up. The first day of school is today. Which means I finally get to begin learning magic! I sit up in bed and rub my eyes. All around me girls are busy getting ready. I spot Lily walking out of the bathroom and smile at her. She returns the smile and I see a spark of happiness in her eyes. I grab my robes and school clothes and make my way to the bathroom to get ready.

I am finally ready and most people have already gone to breakfast. I make my way out of the bathroom after finishing doing my hair. Lily sits in her bed clearly waiting for me. She looks up as I come in and jumps off her bed. " Ready?" She asks and I nod. I liked the she waited for me. She seemed like a nice person and I hope we become friends. We make our way out of the common room into the halls. A few students run about here and there but most and in the great hall having breakfast. As we enter the great hall the sound of voices can immediately be heard. Lily looks around until she spots someone. That someone happens to be Severus. She looks at me as kf asking if she can go. " Ok but make sure you come back to the gryffindor table I don't want to be alone with all the boys." She smiles. " I'll be quick." And with that she is off. I make my way over to the Gryffindor table where sirius, remus, james and Peter and laughing about something. They all look tired as though they got no sleep. I sit down next to sirius. " Look who decides to show up," remarks James. I roll my eyes at him. " At least I got sleep by the looks of it you got none." They all look around at each other as though they are hiding some secret. " Oh come on what is it?" James nods at sirius who turns to me. " Ok but you mustn't tell anyone." I nod my head eagerly wanting to be in on whatever they are up to. " Well we have been planning a prank for the start of the year you know something to kick off the year," he tells me. I roll my eyes once again. " Of course you are. So do you have any ideas." I inquire. This time james speaks up. " Oh yes we do. You see the Severus over there is really annoying me. I mean just look at him. So we are planning to trick him into thinking that one Lily Evans is in love with him because I mean come on he so likes her." This sounds like a recipe for disaster. " You know that's actually really cruel," I reply.

" Yes well girls never seem to understand the real humour in a good joke," James remarks.

" Yes well I don't think Severus will see it as a good joke and something tells me Lily won't either." I see james give sirius a look but I just try to ignore it. Lily walks back and sits next to me. " so did I miss anything good," she inquires. I look at the boys but decide I shouldn't interfere because they will be angry at me. " No nothing much just the boys being their usual annoying selves." Once again I see them all give each other the look of annoyance.

We make our way to our first class which is transfiguration with professor McGonagall. She seemed strict but like she was nice so I wasn't to worried about her. We walked into a big classroom with seats and desks lining the room. At the front was a desk and chair for the teacher. I went and sat down in the desk next to sirius who was sharing with James while Remus and Peter sat on the other side of them. We were taking transfigurations with Slytherin which meant that Lily was probably with Severus. I sat by myself but I didn't really mind because I was used to it. Sirius looked over at me and gave me a quick smile before turning back to the front. Professor Mcgonagall walked in, her cloaked flowing behind her. She walked to the front of the room and wrote transfiguration on the board. " Welcome to transfiguration. I am professor Mcgonagall. We will start by learning about how to transfigure animals and objects," her voice was strict but her eyes told a different story. They shone with interest. She tells us to get our books out and we begin to read. Sirius leans over to me and whispers," I'm all ready bored and class just started." He exaggerates a sigh which causes me to giggle quietly before telling him to be quiet and read. He just rolls his eyes. " That is so typical of you," he jokes. I just go back to reading the book. I look out of the corner of my eye and see Sirius talking to James. I then look up to find Professor Mcgonagall walking over to them. I hold back a smile as I know they will get in trouble. She reaches them and they look up. " Am I interrupting something?" Her gaze is like daggers. Sirius smiles at her. " Oh well now that you mention it yes." I almost kick him for being so stupid.

" and what would your name be?" She inquires. Sirius nods towards James. " This is James Potter and I'm Sirius black," sirius says smartly. I see Mcgonagall take a deep breath. " Well would you like a detention mr Black?" I see James and Sirius exchange a smirk. " I really don't think he would professor," James answers back. She then puts her attention on James. " Well I suggest you pay attention or else that's were you will be heading." She turns on her heels and walks back to the front. Sirius turns to James and is about to say something. " Don't you dare Mr black," Mcgonagall exclaims. I almost let out a laugh at how she is able to tell what they will do without even looking at them. The class goes by without anything interesting happening. When the bell goes and class I finished I go over to sirius. " Really? You just had to get in trouble in our first class. You will get a reputation if you keep this up." Sirius just smiles at me. " That is the whole point Lucy. We want to become known. We want all the people at this school to know us." I roll my eyes as we make our way to our next class which is potions. My best subject I think will be defence against the dark arts. I want to become an auror when I was older so I would definitely need to do well in it at least.

Our first day is finally finished and we already have a tone of homework to do. I sit in the common room by the fire when I hear the sound of loud talking come in through the door. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter walk in talking about God knows what. They spot me and quickly come over clearly excited about something. " Ok so we decided that if we were going to be famous we needed a name that everyone should call us," Sirius starts as soon as he is sitting down. I nod for him to go on. " Well we were tossing up between a few when Remus came up with a really good one," he continues. I try to look enthusiastic but I am not expecting anything good. " Well I was just making up random words when all of a sudden I thought of Marauders. It has a great ring to it I reckon," Remus jokes. I stare at them. " That's actually really genius." They all smile at me.

" Wow she actually approves of something," James mutters. I try not to roll my eyes. I hear the door open and look up to see Lily walk in. She comes and sits down next to me. I see James blush a brings red shade so I decide to take this opportunity to embarrass him even more. " So Lily have you been hanging out with Severus?" I casually ask. She nods her head.

" Yeah he isn't having the best of times yet but I'm sure it will get better soon." I see James get angry and try not to laugh. " How did you guys meet anyway?" I continue to inquire. She shrugs her shoulders. " It's a long story but he was there for me when I first learnt I was a witch and helped me get through some tough times." I suddenly feel bad. Maybe I shouldn't be using Lily as a way to embarrass James. Thankfully I was saved by none other than James. " well I say we use this opportunity to get to know each other a little better," James cuts in. We nod in agreement and spend the rest of the night talking about anything and everything. When we finally head off to bed I am exhausted from laughing to much. I chat with Lily for a bit before finally letting sleep take over me. My dreams were frightful though, filled with dark and dreadful things.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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