The Avatar

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Katara places her daughter with the woman. She visits her often under the claim that she is the baby's God Mother.

Katara helps at the hospital, she works as a healer; but she also teaches the new water benders that are appearing in the south.

Sokka leaves the Southern Water Tribe to go to Republic City as an emissary. According to Sokka's letters, Aang and Zuko are working together to create a city of unity, where benders of any kind can live together with non-benders. The thought of Aang and Zuko working together makes Katara's stomach churn.

As the Southern Water Tribe grows, it becomes a flourish of life, but with life comes danger, thieves and thugs, Katara joins the police force, helping take care of crime in the south.

But then another threat comes, a group rally, hell-bent on taking out Katara's father. Katara tries her best to take the rebels down but they aren't enough, this group is large and not even the entire police force can take them down.

One summer morning, two years after Senna's birth, Katara walks through the tribe with her 'goddaughter' buying presents when suddenly a large sky bison lands in the middle of the tribe, Katara's heart kicks into overdrive.

Katara races back to Senna's guardian's house and drops her off, she kisses her daughter goodbye and then makes her way back to her father's council room; Appa is standing right outside, huffing and snuffing around the snow.

When the sky bison sees Katara he bellows out and races over to her, making the ground tremble underneath him. 

"Appa!" Katara beams, patting the bison on the nose after he licks her, "I've missed you too."

"Katara?" a voice calls, Katara turning to the council hut and she sees Aang standing in the doorway.

She is amazed at the difference just two years can make, Aang is taller, taller than her; he even towers over Sokka. He looks grown up, his face more mature and his body, well, Aang only wears his usual light air bender clothes, and they do nothing to hide the muscles underneath.

"Avatar Aang," Katara breathes, continuing to pat Appa as Aang approaches her, "It's good to see you."

"It's been so long," Aang breathes, standing in front of Katara, his voice has changed too, deeper and more masculine.

Aang and Katara both laugh before embracing each other.

"I've missed you," he breathes, holding Katara closely.

Katara smiles and then looks over Aang's shoulder to the door he came out of, secretly wishing, hoping that Zuko would come through those doors too.

"What are you doing here?" Katara asks when Aang lets her go.

"Sokka told me about your letters," Aang explains, "I'm here to help, in any way that I can."

"Thank you," Katara says, she follows Aang into the council room and they discuss plans to get the group.

Katara works with Aang and Sokka, they find the gang's hideout, and in one night they take the gang down.

Once the fight is over, it doesn't take long with Aang by their side, by the time the sun sets the gang are behind bars.

"It was good to work with you again," Aang says once the men are safely behind bars.

"It was," Katara agrees, dusting off her hands with a smile on her face. 

Aang stands around awkwardly for a moment and the tension is so thick that Katara could cut it with a knife. 

"Well, if you'd excuse me." Katara turns to leave before things could get any more awkward. 

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