5. Late to wake

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Morning came all too soon for me. Although after glancing towards my curtain covered windows, I realized it was much later than I anticipated. Flinging the covers off, I scurried over to my wardrobe to find something to wear. Not really caring over much about what I was wearing, I grabbed the first thing I could find. It ended up being a pale gold blouse with a matching forest green riding skirt with the pale gold embroidery along the bottom. It is normally customary for women to wear corsets, but I always felt they were a form of torture and thus I never wore the beastly contraptions, much to Edith's horror.
After running a brush through my wild curls and grabbing a ribbon to tie it back with, I made my way down to Uncles study.
"Good morning!" Uncle Carter's voice boomed through his quiet study the second I opened the door. "Are you feeling well my dear? I can't recall the last time you weren't the first awake. I do hope you will forgive me for leaving you behind. It didn't dawn on me till after I returned from the club this morning, and by then you were already fast asleep."
"It's alright, I was reading in Allen's library and lost track of the time. And I was quite fortunate, Sir Thomas Sharpe was leaving at the same time and made sure I made it home safely. In fact he will be here at any moment!" I gasped as I caught sight of thee clock behind him. "I'm so sorry to cut our chat short but I really must get ready." and with that, I dashed off towards my room to grab the book I was currently reading then made a mad dash down to the kitchens.

"Oh, I was beginning to get worried!" Mrs. Hudson exclaimed as I skidded to a stop before I ran into the counters. "You must have had a wonderful time last night, did you meet a wonderfully dashing man that swept you off your feet? Oh how I do hope so. Don't worry dear, I understand you are in a rush. Do come and talk with me after supper, hmmm?" Mrs. Hudson smiled as she handed me my normal basket. It felt heavier than usual. "I thought you might end up out most of the day. I packed enough for a feast! Have fun dear!" With a smile Mrs.Hudson went back to cooking.
Taking the basket I made my way to the stables to check in on the horses. Stepping into the stables, I stopped short. Thomas was standing in front of Bella's stall.

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