Part 1

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"agh!" I scream as the blanket be torn away from me, and the coldest hitting my body. I sigh and get up. I rub my eyes, trying to focus my eyes. "Wake up Kody, breakfast is ready". That voice. "Lumine?" I say in a question. "Yep!" He said.

"Get out" I say standing up. "Mmm!" Lumine was surprised. "Get out I'm going to change" I say and grab my clothes. "Oh! Ok" Lumine said and closed the door shut.

I sigh. That feeling again. It's still here even when he's not here. Why do I feel like this? I feel my cheeks being warm.

This feeling happens every time I see him. It still happens just by looking at a picture or just by thinking about him. It's like when you get a present, and it's something you really love.

It's like that but more powerful, more perfect. More happy. I change my thoughts. I need to get ready for school, even though I hate it.


"Crap! I forgot my bus card!" Lumine shouted looking in his jacket franticly. "Are you serious? God dammit Lumine!" I almost yelled. I immidatly stop as I looks at Lumine, he looke so sad. I feel guilty, and that feeling got more stronger.

"I-its okay" I say, cringing at my stuttering. "Maybe I can turn to my wolf form and run back to get it" Lumine said transforming into his little wolf form.

"But the bu-I got it" I say clapping hands together. The bus arrived and I picked up Lumine. I showed the driver my card and he let us in.

We sat down and Lumine looked at e with his big eyes and smiled. I just pet his head and looked away.

"Hey guys!". God dammit, it just had to be him. "Hi Elijah!" Lumine said, waving to get Elijah's attention. Elijah laughs and runs too us. "Hey there Lulu" Elijah calls Lumine by his nickname. He hugs Lumine and ruffles his hair. They laugh and Elijah looks at me.

"Hey kody" he said and tried to hug me. "Don't Touch Me" I say, almost glaring. Elijah steps back, shocked at my action. "Stotic as usual" he say as and laughs.

I roll my eyes and start walking to school. I heard Lumine giggle and run to me. Our shoulder brushed against each other and I felt my heart leap.

I back away a little and start walking faster. I made it to my class, 1A and be for I enter I look back at Lumine. He was sitting next to Elijah. They were laughing and talking. I glare at Elijah. He was starting to touch his hair.

I grunt and walk away. Why do I feel mad? Lumine is just my best friend, so what if Elijah touches him. But Lumine my bodyguard so I should only be the only one with him. But we share the same house so why do I feel like I need him so much. He's with me all the time! Why do I always have this feeling just by thinking about him!

Screw this.

Lumine x Kody Realising LoveWhere stories live. Discover now