Part 2

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"Let's go" I say, tugging on Lumines shirt. "Okay kody" he said, flashing a kind smile to me. I look away and put my hoodie on. My cheek are warm and I'm probaly red. "I want to play video games, let's go" I say and start running.

"Ok, by Elijah!" Lumine yelled and waved good by to him. I grunt. Why does he care so much about Elijah? "You want to go to the store to by a new game?" Lumine said, looking at me. "Sure, we should" I say as we make it to the house.

I sigh as I sit on the table, waiting for Lumine to come back from the mall. He went with Silver and Sherry because my dad needed somthing. "What's wrong". "What do you mean dad?" I say in a annoyed voice. "Your not acting like yourself, you been avoiding all of us more than usual" Dad said looking at me.

"Its nothing" I say, crossing my arms. "Don't say that, your lying" my dad said, rising his voice. "Agh! Fine! It lumine!" I yell. "What about lumine?" My dad said siting down next to me. "It's nothing!"
"Tell me Kody!"

"Its just every time I see him, I feel different. Like I need to be nice to him. Like I need to be with him! My heart leaps when he hugged me and when he laughs or smiles! I feel happy being with him, I feel grateful being in the same room as him. Living with him! And I just get so mad when Elijah hugs him? Or talks to him. Or even look at him! I feel like Lumine should stay with me! Not Elijah! And I feel my cheeks get warm when I'm next to him, and I turn all red. I just feel so.. happy with him, so passionate, so lively just being next to him. What does this mean dad?" I Finnish.

My dad looks at me wide eyes. He then sighs and smiled at me. He hugs me and ruffles my hair. "Love, Kody, that's love" my dad said softly to me. "What?" I say. "You love Lumine" my dad said and laughed.

I say there thinking. All those feelings. All those reactions, were love. "I love Lumine.." I say quietly. "I love him" I say thinking about him. That happy feeling becoming stronger.

"I need to tell him, I have to tell him I love him!" I yell and stand up. "Then do it son" my dad said. "Thank you dad".

"We're baaaack!" Silver yelled, opening the door. "Shut it" sherry said, hiting him. Lumine laughed, his big eyes shining. He looked at me and smiled. I started blushing and walked to him. I grabed his hand. "I need to talk to you" I say, my voice slightly cracking.

He tilted his head confused. I pulled him, running up stairs. "What's wrong with Kody?" Sherry asked. "I'll tell you later" Aiden said smiling at us.

I walk into my room, closing the door. "What is it? Is somthing wrong Kody" Lumine said, holding my hand with worry. I blush. "I just wanted to say that..." I stop and look at him. He looks at me, wanting me to continue. "That I love.....I love..being Your bestfriend!" I say. God dammit. I backed out. So lame.

Lumine looked at me, sad but then smiled and hugged me. "I love being your friend too" he said. I give a fake smile. "I'm going to put a sweater on, then we can go out" Lumine said, walked out of my room to his.

I wish I said I love you to him. I walk out to see my dad, silver, and sherry smiling at me. "Did you do it? Are you guys going out" my dad said. I shake my head no.

Sherry, Silver and Aiden looked shocked."what happen? Did he reject you? I'm so sorry son!" My dad said. "I didn't tell him, I said I love being his best friend" I say, getting mad at myself.

"Grow some balls Kody!" Sherry yelled at me. "I've been wanted you two to get together forever!" Silver cried.

"I'm ready Kody!" Lumine yell and everyone stoped talking. He had one of my blue sweaters on. I blush and looked away. I ran down stairs and he stood next to me. "I couldn't find one of my sweaters so I got yours, is that okay" Lumine asked.

"Y-yeah, it's fine" I say trying to hide my blush. "K, and I got my money so we can go" Lumine said as we start walking to the door. "Where are you two going?" My dad ask, stopping us in our tracks.

"We're going to the store to by a new video game, we will be back as soon as possible" Lumine said, hung they could go. "Okay, you to could go" my dad said.

"Thank you Aiden!" Lumine said, and we left. I stay silent the whole time. I hope I could tell him I love him soon.

Lumine x Kody Realising LoveWhere stories live. Discover now