Nine - Kryptonite

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"What a fabulous butt," I commented, all Hillary Banks style, as I stood behind Dylan at the school gates. Daisy shot me a warning look. I got the warning look whenever I talked about her brother in a perverted way or when I talked about Channing Tatum in a perverted way. I could guess which reason that look for for. A smile crept up Dylan's soft, pink lips as he turned around. I only knew they were soft because he had the same lips as Daisy - no elaboration.

"Thanks, Miss I-Never-Notice-Your-Ass," he smirked.

"Well, pretty soon I might just be Mrs Fabulous-Butt," I teased.

"Nooooooo! Please stop!" Destiny pleaded. I almost forgot she was there.

Dylan smiled but made no comment. I was quick to change the subject before things got too awkward.

"Did you know that penguins have no eyelids?" I enquired. Dylan raised an eyebrow. "The subject has changed. There will be no returning to aforementioned subject. Thank you for your patience and cooperation."

Dylan's smile widened. I almost died. Dylan's smile was my weak spot. I could convince myself that I didn't like him at all but one smile from him and I'd just trip and fall right into that pool of love again. Kryptonite. That's what it was.

Savannah ran up to us. "HEY!" she screamed as she pulled Daisy into a hug.

Destiny looked at me uneasily. Those two were way too comfortable with each other. One could say they were in love. I wouldn't say that, though. They're just really close friends. Really close. Too close? Nah. Just... very very close. No homo.

At that moment, Heidi also came up to us. Dylan and Destiny walked away.

"Layla! Hi!" she greeted before turning to the happy couple... of friends. "Hey Dai-zay. Hey 'Vannah."

"Hi!" they replied in unison.

Heidi, weirded-out, turned back to me.

"I heard that Dylan talked to you without puking!"

"Gordon tell you that?"


"Well, yeah. He did. He's so charming, don't you think."

"Sometimes it's best not to think. Oh, but you'd be used to that by now."

"Get a life!" That was the only comeback I had to anything.

"I may have a life, but that does not guarantee that I am alive."

"Shut up!" That was my only other comeback.

"You never shut up. Why should I? Wanna go in?" Heidi gestured to the inside of the school.

I turned to Savannah and Daisy before making my decision. They were hoping around and laughing like they were high on something. "Yes," I replied to Heidi. "Now."

As we walked to our lockers, I stole a quick glance at Dylan who was sitting on a railing and talking to his friends. They were all so tall. Like trees. They could be a fucking forest. Dylan caught me looking and flashed me that weakening smile. Just like that, my legs gave out and I tripped and fell on nothing. But not into a pool of love. I fell on the fucking floor. All Heidi could do was laugh.

I got off the ground and dusted myself off. I looked back at Dylan who continued to smile in my direction. Fucking bloated rat.


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Sorry dysdiya and mikerza101 but I just had to include that SavannahXDaisy shit.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

I love you and have a good day... or night... depending on your time-zone. It's 4:50pm in Australia as I publish this.

Again, love you!

XOXO, Blazing Beauty

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