Ten - Your Brother's Underwear

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"Dylan's so fucking amazing. I mean, everything about him is so amazing. I know nothing about him, but still. He's pure happiness. To me, anyway. His smile is just... aaah! And his hair is amazing too. I've been saying amazing a lot, haven't I? Perfection's more like it. Dylan is perfection. At least, he's the closest to perfection a human being could get. Sure, he's not that hot and sure he doesn't really talk to me but at least he replies to me when I say 'hi'. Right? That's a good sign, right? Heidi?!"

"YOU NEVER SHUT UP!" Heidi yelled, loud enough for the entire class to hear and burst into giggles. Our Maths teacher, Mr Beckham, smiled and shook his head whilst he scrolled through Facebook on his phone.

I sighed and went back to doing my work with a suicidal attitude. Mathematics is basically the brain attempting to commit suicide. Self-harm, at the least. Truly, I just hated maths.

The bell rang for lunch and I was the first person to close my book with relief as everyone else decided to finish one more question. Losers, I thought.

I scooted out the door and immediately sought out Gordon before we began to act like we had hadn't seen each other in years.

"How was fourth period?" Gordon inquired.

"Boring. Ugh, maths is the worst. How was yours?"

"Patrick held my hand."

"Patrick what?"

"It was a joke, though. Alisha said we'd make a cute couple."

"So he held your fucking hand?"

"Yeah. Babe, it's not like he's teasing me cruely. You're the only one who knows I like him. For God's sake, you're the only one who knows I swing the other way. I'm not you. I don't go around telling everyone who I like. I don't tell the fucking person I like that I'm fucking in love with them."

"You know what, G? You breathe too much," I said, nastily.

"Yeah? Well you love too much."

"One could argue. But one will not. Because one knows you are precisely correct."

I turned my head and looked in Dylan's direction. I had never talked to him during lunch. I had never actually had a proper conversation with him in MU life. Maybe that needed to change. Not now, though. No way it was now. I sighed as I thought of what an amazing husband Dylan would be.

"Dylan would be a horrible husband," Gordon stated, disgusted, as though he had read my mind.

"No," was all I could say. I barely knew the guy. How could I have defended him? 'He's amazing'? But how is he amazing? I don't fucking know.

Daisy and Savannah were walking past and I decided to stop them to ask Daisy a question that Gordon and I had been thinking of for a while.

"Can I have your brother's underwear?"


"Can I have your brother's underwear?" I repeated.

"No! What would you do with it?" Daisy was utterly horrified.

"I would keep it as a souvenir of our love!"

"He. Doesn't. Fucking. Love. You."

Then I cried. I actually cried. On the inside, though.

"Shut up. You're so mean!" I snapped at Daisy as Gordon and Savannah laughed their nuts off. Although, Savannah is presumably a girl.


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Lots of love and cuddles.

xoxo, A

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