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"What-what do yo-you mean D-Dark?" Sam asks obviously scared, as he should be. 'Dark come on please don't do this' Marks words ring in my head, but I ignore them and stare at Sam.

"I know what you did Sam... I know how Anti took the blame. Now," I stop to take a moment to break a little, I allow myself to laugh and see the benefits of this situation. Sam looked horrified and I couldn't help but smile wider and allow my demon side out even more as I continued, "well now, I'm going to slowly torture you, until you bleed out or die from blunt force trauma." I finish and giggle a bit as I stare in to his tear filled eyes.

"Dark ple-please D-Dark I I don't want to d-die!!" He sobs as he wraps his arms around my legs and begs me not to hurt him... 'We could let him live Dark, for once don't be the monster everyone thinks you are...'

"Pl-please mister Dark I I don-don't w-wa-want t-to d-die!!" He screams as snot and tears stream down his face. I couldn't help, but feel bad for him, he is just a kid... 'Come on Dark let's just leave and bring them a fake body! I-I I'm not... I don't...' I stare down at the sobbing boy... 'Think about it if you don't kill him then Jack, Anti, Sam, and the other Septiceyes will love you more! AND if you tell Tim he might not hate you as much for KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND!!!' All I could do is look down at Sam... it's my choice and I need to decide.

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