Fifth and the Last: His sentiments

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Walking away from the mourning crowd of people, I noted the presence of priests of high position, Manolo's colleagues, religous men and women, the MBGs, altar servers, choir of different groups, civilians, and even the folks from our barrio as they filled the vicinity. They looked devastated and saddened from the loss as they had the eyes that seek justice and so did I.

Subtly strolling away, I bumped into an adolescent dressed in a long white sutana. In his hands, a pot with a healthily blooming kalachuchi colored red.
"I finally can fulfill my promise as I finally met you attorney. I am here today to honor my word to the deceased Father Mayo Sanio and also to partly fulfill his decade and half year-long promise to you. Kindly accept this humble plumeria that the Father had cared for himself however he also would like to extend his sincerest and heartfelt apologies about the remaining duties that he won't be able to fulfill anymore."

He found the flower after all but then, I stared in confusion. Why and why now from all of these years?
Looking intently to my eyes he said, "Father narrated for several times about his quest years ago, when he found Someone before he found what he originally wanted to find. You were his first love but then God is his true love. You will always be important to him. Actually, he wanted people to call him as "Mayo" one because it reminds him of your name, two for it reminds him of his broken vow and three because he owed his greatest love to you. You were one of the people that lead him to the best that he can be and that is to be a servant of the Lord. Days before his last, he wanted me to do him a favor. He was aware of the threats to his life but then he said, 'Why cower at all?'"

It took me a moment to process everything that is being told to me.

It felt like I was talking to Manolo himself. This young intelligent fine man spoke like him that I just cannot help myself but ask him something.

"Do you want to be a priest someday? You're young and why don't you devote yourself into a stable and safe profession?"

"I know I won't be able to buy cars, build my dream house and date the most sophisticated of girls if I chose this path but then I want to be a priest someday and I know how dangerous it is, I have seen how father was killed in front of my own eyes. He did nothing but what was good, what was needed and what was just however he was murdered."

He bent down and half-kneeled before me as he laid the pot on the ground and looked with bold eyes as he continued.

"But think attorney. If I don't take courage to face it, what will happen to the people, to those who experienced equal injustice? Innocent men are being killed in front of their own houses, media men are being massacred and now men of faith are being silenced. This isn't just a mere coincidence, there is more to what they want to believe. You see, we are all like the plumerias Atty. Abril. If we bloom and spread our petals open, no matter how unpleasant we might look from falling and being laid open to the earth, being stepped upon and being played upon, we will always spread the scent to calm hearts and encourage those who had lost hope. Although, we might face adversities and it threatens to hurt us or kill us, our hearts, our stories, our faith and the feelings that goes with the most unfortunate and tragic outcomes will always reach those who it's meant for. Those who experience the worst undergoes the worst with the hope that the rest will embrace the sad reality that mankind is facing and to open the eyes of man to what he needs to do. Hoping it will inspire them not to flee but to be brave as we need to people to stand up with the resolve to fight for what is right now or never. If not now, when will we ever decide to oppose those who oppress us, if they completely had our arms tied up? If not during the blooming season, when will we decide to ever spread our petals wide open, when the buds are already withered or when the tree is already taken down?"

Looking over my shoulder, I caught a glimpse of the old peanut vendor and the retired small town lottery henchman who were crying. I thought maybe... maybe it's not a waste after all.

"What's your name young man?"

He stood up. He extended his hands towards me with eyes that smiled along with his lips said, "My name is Manolo Carlo Asuncion Sanio. Again, it's finally nice meeting you at last Attorney Abril Ruiz Asuncion."

All rights reserved.

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