Chapter 3: Mission SAW

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“So what do you think?” Rainbow asked.
“It’s... A cave.” Hunter replied “Where’s the food?”
“You’re just like all those other wolves. Always Hungry. Anyway it’s over here.” She rolled her eyes.
“So...” She said as Hunter began eating, “What do we do about this rebellion?” Rainbow asked.
“Wait we’re stopping it?” Hunter asked, lifting his head up.
“What did you think?” Rainbow said.
“I thought we had just ran away from it.” Hunter answered before continuing eating.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Running away? A battle?” Rainbow began to laugh.
“Well you didn’t want it. Anyway I’ve no idea how to stop it.” Hunter said proudly as though he had won their battle.
“Well first I just said I didn’t agree with it. I never said I didn’t want to fight. Secondly, in my old Clan there  was a legend of some kind of weapon hidden in the other realm. When someone finds it, they can use the weapon to do anything they want to. We can use it to stop the war.”  Rainbow suggested.
“We? You mean you want us to find it? It’s just a legend, it might not even be true.” Hunter argued.
“It’s our best hope. If we get as much information as we can, we should know enough to go and find it.” She knew Hunter couldn’t argue.
“Fine. But you aren’t leaving me to gather all the information.” Hunter said, having given in.
“Okay well first we need to think of what we need to know.” Rainbow went over to her kill that Hunter was eating from. She tore the skin to act as a sort of paper.
“Hey! What was that for?” He asked.
“It’s my kill.” She simply replied. She then ripped the fur off it so she was left with the deer’s leathery skin. Then she pulled a chunk of charcoal from the cave wall and used her mouth to hold it and wrote on the skin. She was making a sort of chart to show what they needed to know. She wrote:
If True.
“This is what we need to find out. What the weapon is, where it is in the other realm...”
“And how to get to the other realm. People never go the other realm. We’re the only ones in history to go back!” Hunter quietly said to himself. Ignoring this, Rainbow continued,
“How we get there and if it’s really there or not. We start Mission SAW in the Sun's Dawn.”
“Mission SAW?” Hunter asked, confused.
“Mission Stopping. A. War.” Rainbow answered. She ignored Hunter rolling his eyes. She leapt up to her rock with her bed of leaves and lay down to watch the sunset before going to sleep for the night.

She had a strange dream about the weapon. That they went to the Other Realm and found the item. Where it was hidden it was quiet, too quiet. Hunter trotted over to the weapon.
“Hunter come back! It’s probably an ambush. Haven’t you noticed how quiet this place is? It’s too quiet.” Rainbow warned.
“We can fight.” Hunter simply replied.
“Hunter...” Rainbow shouted at him just before a giant wolf, the same wolf that pounced on Rainbow on her induction day, pounced from the bushes onto Hunter and wrapped his jaws around his neck. Then Rainbow woke up from her dream.
It’s not real. Dreams aren’t real. And I’m not one of the talented ones. The foreseers, the future-seers. Just like any normal nightmare. Rainbow convinced herself. It was still the middle of the night but Rainbow couldn’t sleep after that. Hunter had described his Pack’s leader, the pack that started the rebellion. So, the alpha must be the rebellion leader. He said he was a massive black wolf with dark red eyes. He was often called a Hell-Hound, because of his colours. This was exactly the same as the wolf that attacked her. And because of that, the wolf in the dream. But that wasn’t real... Obviously...
So all along it was the same wolf. The same, very powerful, wolf.

Rainbow began to pace her cave. The list of things they needed to do began to make her curious. They hadn’t just got to do this, but also to avoid the wolf. They needed a way to do this- every encounter she had was by chance. It would take a lot of work and effort, but they had to track his every move, see where people had seen him, and map it to see where he is, so Rainbow and Hunter could avoid him on they quest. So, Rainbow drew out a map of the Haven on some deer hide she had kept. That would do for now. Their next step was to begin getting information. She stepped closer to her list, close enough to read it.
Well if  we work from the top down, it should be easier to keep track of our progress,
She looked over to Hunter, who was laid down on the floor as asleep as a creature hunted by a lion, the strongest land predator.
My progress.
Looking outside from the ledge where she slept, Rainbow could see the pink and orange glow on the horizon, the beginning of Sun's Dawn. She sat and watched the sun rise as she began to formulate a plan for today.

Hunter woke up when the sun was halfway to Sun's Peak. He had a lovely dream. They stopped the war and Hunter became the Haven's King. There was never a king previously, but he couldn’t complain. He was living in the forest, and had a grand pack of the most elite warriors of all wolves. He was having a lovely time in that dream, it was a shame he woke up. He was still confused about whether it actually was a dream. He had convinced himself it was real.
“Come get your food, or I’ll eat it myself. I could eat the whole deer, but I’m fair. Unlike some...” Rainbow shouted, having noticed he had woken up.
“Don’t talk to your king with that attitude!” Hunter shouted angrily.
“What?” Rainbow said, incredibly confused.
“Dream.” Hunter said, embarrassed. He walked over to eat.
“I’ve sorted out the plan for today” Rainbow said, as Hunter began to mumble something with his nose deep into the dead deer. “Well first we going to find a foreseer. I know where one is round here. That's where we find out if the weapon actually is there. She decided not to go from the top down eventually.
“Eat and prepare to leave at Sun’s Peak.” Rainbow ordered.

Sun’s Peak came quickly and they left the cave. A few day before, Rainbow had made a route to follow. Past the fallen tree, then head east to the lake, then go north and you’re there. It was a few miles to the foreseer. They reached a deep cave and went in. Hunter was clearly hesitating to enter. As their eyes adjusted to the dark gloom of the cave, they could see a shape laying at the back. The voice of a dying leopard sounded.
“ I can tell what you seek from me. It is there. It is real. You must leave now! You are not safe here! Go!” The leopard was clearly getting weaker. Rainbow ran over and saw a female leopard, covered in blood, dying.
“Go-” The leopard saw Rainbow and said her last words before taking her last breath.
“Rainbow...” Hunter whispered as if it was urgent.
“She- She was killed!” Rainbow exclaimed
“RAINBOW!...” Hunter said even more urgently.
“What?” Rainbow looked over. She was shocked by what she saw. Three figures blocked the sunlight streaming into the cave. The middle one, now looking like a wolf, began to speak
“I see you wish to stop our rebellion, let me tell you now. You will fail! I am Striker! Alpha of the Moon Pack! Leader of our rebellion! Hunter’s alpha!” He turned to look at Hunter. It was the black wolf, the one that attacked Rainbow.
“You were no alpha to me!” Hunter shouted before leaping, teeth showing, towards Striker. He dodged and called upon his other wolves to join in the battle. Rainbow went under her shadow of invisibility and leapt onto the first wolf, and showed herself. She managed to hold his neck until he died. The second wolf leapt onto her and tried to bite her leg but received a swipe from Rainbow’s claw. It hit him on his eye, blinding him. This gave Rainbow the chance to kill him. Then, she noticed Striker’s scar, the one she gave him in the fight on induction day. Before letting Rainbow leap onto him, Striker ran.

Rainbow and Hunter returned to their cave. Rainbow marked the location on the tracking map. And they now knew they could continue their quest. They knew it was there. They could find the weapon. Tomorrow, they would rest from their fight. Then they would find the portal location. They needed to get to the Other Realm to get the tool. They were now one step closer. One step closer to completing Mission SAW.

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