Shatter By Micheal Jameson

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Mirrors are precarious objects; they reflect, depict and describe an accurate representation of something else. Funny really that I should choose such a word to describe myself and yet it fits me perfectly. An imitation is something I am not, I have never merely imitated nor have I mimicked for that matter. Facade would be closer to what I am though like most masks facades slip often revealing person beneath them which I have yet to do. No, mirror is my true reflection.

**** this is still a work in process and my first draft, I would love you thought and comments to help me improve and edit any grammar issue I may have over looked. Grammar is not my strongest point, and any unintended tense changes pointing these out to be would be a great help

Warning this book does have some adult content you have been warned, it is also not your typical romance. **** 

Shatter By Micheal JamesonWhere stories live. Discover now