Chapter Nine - James

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Hi my lovely readers, 

I normally put my authors note at the end of my chapters, however I have noticed this week I have a few new readers, as such I wanted to make sure you were fairly warned before reading on. This chapter does contain adult mature content (sex). And treads around the aspects of child abuse, but does not describe it, i have tried to treat this it with the sensitivity it deserves. That being said I hope you enjoy the insight into Erins past, and her personal demons. If you feel you don't want to read about this certain topic and want to go straight to the mature content just skip between ***** however it is important to remember I have rated this book R, and it will contain dark aspects.



My bedroom door creaks open, the soft glow of the landing light filters through the darkness of my room.

"Daddy" I asked, blinking my eyes to sweep away the sleep settled in my eyes,

"No, Gracie, it's James." He whispers.

I like James, he plays Barbie's with me. My daddy doesn't like to play dollies. And he tells me I'm pretty. He looks after me when my daddy goes away to go play doctor with his friends. I'm not allowed to play doctor. My daddy says it's a grown up game and he shouts at me if I touch his medicines.

They don't look like the medicines my mummy gives me when I'm sick, I like the medicine my mummy gives me it takes like strawberries and its pink. My favourite colour, daddy's medicines come in big bags and are white like talcum powder.

James steps into my room, closing the door behind him. He opens my bedroom curtains letting the moonlight in. I smile he knows I don't like the darkness. He sits on the end of my bed looking out of the window.

"Look, Gracie, she' at her window." He's talking about Stephanie, the nice girl who lives next door to my daddy. She likes to play Barbie's too.

I sit next to James, watching Stephanie from the window. She doesn't know James loves her like how my daddy loved my mummy when we all lived together in mummies house.

"She's pretty." I tell James.

"Yea she beautiful." He laughs " but she doesn't want to be my friend. She doesn't like me."

He seems sad,

"I want to be your friend, I like you." I tell him

"Do you?" James asks staring down at me in the moonlight

I nod

"You're beautiful, Gracie." He strokes my hair behind my ear.

"Do you want to play a game?" He whispers.

I nod, I like playing games with James.

"How about a grown up game?"

"Like what daddy plays"

"Yea like what mummies and daddies play. But you have to keep it a secret, we can't tell your daddy."

"No, daddy would be mad, he doesn't like me to play grown up games."

"I trusting you to keep a secret, Gracie, can you keep a secret."

"I can, I promise I can" I beam

"If you tell anyone, Gracie, we won't be able to play the game ever again."

"I want to play, please James, please can we play the game."

Shatter By Micheal JamesonWhere stories live. Discover now