Chapter Five - Mother Dearest.

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"Sit up straight, and don't slouch." My mother said.

Once again our weekly coffee meet had been sabotaged, and used to entrap me into a lunch to meet my mother's new plaything, Mr Thomas Avery.

"Promise me you'll behave, Erin, I really like this one."

Had my mother not said this repeatedly about the last three Tom's, I may have believed the sincerity seeping into my mother's tone. Instead, I simply continued to peruse the lunch menu.

She had however won brownie points by booking lunch at the Savoy grill. The elegant 1920's decor made it one of my favourite places to eat. Which my mother uses to her advantage, when trying to butter me up. 

I love the art deco styled crystal glass chandeliers, which cast intricate patterns on the high ceiling. However the rigid rectangular polished mirrors lining the walls are my favourite detail of the room.

I have often imagined the soiries once held here; the stylish women wearing the flamboyant sequenced cocktail dresses of the 20's, bright coloured feathers and priceless jewels decorating their finger waved hair, their sleek hands delicately wrapped around the stem of cocktail glasses.

Olives swirling around the clear liquid as they chat animatedly with the equally finely dressed men while rag tag music danced on the air around them.

I've lost count of the many lunches with my mother's many boyfriend's I've daydreamed through while listening to their rehearsed speech of how they feel about my mother and how they intend to take care of her. Everything they believe a daughter wants to hear from a perspective step father.

It was after several variations of said speech, that I  have learned my mind no longer needed to be present to join in the conversation. As long as I nodded and smiled at random intervals, they were non wiser to my imaginings.

"He's here." My mother stated excitedly while discreetly checking her appearance in the back of the highly polished silver spoon laying on the table.

I rose with her to greet the man advancing towards our table. I schooled the shock radiating through my body as I took in Thomas Avery's appearance.

An rather attractive man in his late forties maybe early fifties, with light blue eyes and a slightly hook nose. He had balding long black hair which he had swept into a sleek ponytail. But it wasn't his facial features which had me stifling my laughter.

Even his white linen pants and open white linen shirt, though not the general attire seen at the Savoy, was not the source of my amusement.

No, it was his choice of footwear or rather the lack there of. He strode towards us barefoot! He stood bare foot in the middle of the Savoy, one of London's finest establishments!

My mother glared at me as I bit my lip to keep my laughter at bay.

"Veronica, darling," he said.

Tears leaked from my eyes. My mother was dating an Alvin the chipmunk-Pierce Brosnan cross breed. He air kissed my mother before turning to me.

"And you must be Erin, aren't you as pretty as a picture," he squeaked.

"Thanks." I giggled, unable to help myself. It was like watching Pierce Brosnan stuck on fast forward.

Introductions over, we sat. I held my menu up to my face to hide the grin fixated on my face.

"So Thomas, why don't you tell me about yourself?" I asked, prolonging my amusement with his unique vocal strings.

"What's there to tell?" He pondered before he continued. "Let's see, well I'm fifty-six years old. I live in Chelsea and I teach people how to balance their homes using the art of feng shui."

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