My Princess

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Note: In this story Brendan will have whitish silver hair and red eyes.

Chapter 10


Knock Knock

"Come in, the doors unlocked." Mrs. Golde said asks she looked through our files. Well my files.

"Mrs. Golde, Headmaster Silver wanted me to give May Maple the 9 schools competition schedule." a boy with silver whitish hair and red eyes said as he opened the door to Class 5- Pokemon Studies.

He smiled gently and handed May the schedule,"She also said that you should pick a song soon because it's only 2 days away." and then he left.

He had an weird and mysterious aura, May thought as Mrs. Golde told her where to sit. May's seat was next to Ash.

"Hi, Ash!" May greeted cheerfully finally able to talk to a nice looking friend. "Oh, Hi May! I didn't know that you were in this class!" Ash said happy that he can talk to someone.

"Yeah well some things got complicated and here I am," May replied hoping that he wouldn't pry any further.

"Really? Why don't you te~" but he was cut of by Mrs. Golde. "Class, please call out your Pokemon so we can continue our studies." May sighed in relief not wanting to tell Ash about it now since she wasn't in the mood.

"Come on out! Glaceon! Beautifly!" May cried as she released her 2 companions. A beam of red light appeared around the class's desk and soon pokemons were all around the place.

"Did you miss me Glaceon?" May asked and scratched her Glaceon's favorite spot. Glaceon purred and shock her light blue head. "What about you, Beautifly?" May asked her bug Pokemon. "Beau Bea Beautifly!" her Beautifly cried happily and rested on top of her trainer's head. May chuckled and listened to what her teacher Mrs. Golde started to say. "You all have different pokemons so it's going to be tough for me to go around and tell you about them so just go and do something that can keep you company for a long time."

Keep myself company, eh? May thought and took out her silver iPod. Well I guess I should start to pick songs for my dance. The first one is called Snow White Princess.

{English Lyrics}

Mirror, Mirror, oh Mirror, stop it with the 'who's the fairest in the world'

A thorny gaze threatens towards me

She pretended to be kind and had a wonderful dinner for us

When I quietly held it in my mouth, [she smiled]

Within my dimming mind, I'm dreaming of someday's fairytale

And my time stops

Please, I want you to awaken me with a KISS

So that you'll bring me out of my white casket

The stabbing hatred is a dramatic circumstance

Even as I pray, my Prince still hasn't come

Mirror, Mirror, oh Mirror, because you let me do your necktie and greet me with a kiss on the cheek

I ended up incurring her jealousy

There was a 7-year-old kid, but he played innocent about helping me

As my neck was quietly seized, [she smiled]

Unable to even wipe a single teardrop away, I couldn't keep breathing

My view faded from me

Because I'm about to disappear, I want you to hurry up and race to me

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