Emblems and Harnest?

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Chapter 15- Suprisement

"My Prince and Princess, we missed you," The same cloaked man said as he and the others came out of the forest.

"We hope that you enjoyed our last present Prince Drew. But too bad you won't be able to avoid this one. Because this present will surely be the death sentence of you." The cloaked man chuckled and took a step closer.

May made a small gasp and walked closer to Drew,"You caused that?" She questioned.

"You caused the reason why Astral Teens are here, right?" May said, and she had on an expression that seemed like she found out something she shouldn't.

What do you mean, May? This doesn't make sense. Drew thought as he sensed more cloaked men's surround the entrance and exit of the forest. What did you see?

"Ah, yes you saw what we did to normal human beings am I correct?" The man continued,"You saw the little rings we put on the back of their necks, right? They are called Harnests, or Her Nest."

"Why harnest?"May asked in a quiet and venerable voice. "Why did you do all that to them?!" Even though her voice was small, you could sense the anger behind them.

May's hand balled up into fists. "It was cruel! Did you hear their screams and shrieks!" This time she yelled. But the man just continued to chuckle. How awful, May thought. Is this reality? Is this what my mother hid me amogst the mortals?

Suddenly May's right hand started to glow. "The emblem of the South is glowing, and when the emblem starts to glow she'll find her other half. And once they meet, nothing will stop them. And a large amout of power wil be created, but is it for the good or for the bad? Nobody knows. But the answer lies inside the power they had created."

Soon Drew felt pain. And that pain is located on his left hand. What's going on? Suddenly the pain was to much for him to bear, so he took a look at it. And surely there was the emblem of an Jade green snake surrounding a turtle.

"The western emblem of Genbu,"The cloak man whispered with astonishment. "I didn't think it would appear so soon. Emp, let's get out of here. We can't fight them when their emblem's are glowling." An man with brown spiky hair appeared begind the cloaked man dressed in armor pleaded.

"No! They'll die! They have too!" Emp the cloaked man said sternly,"if they don't they'll stop our master's plans again. Just like their parents! These are just 2 of them the rest are scattered some place elses, and if they get the 4 ledgendary weapons all hope will be gone."

Then he looked at May,"That girl has learned more than enough. She saw what we did to them. While," then he turned to drew,"the prince has this egnormous power, he has the power to destroy or create matter." The guy Ep mumbled the last part so qieutly that only May heard it.

She glanced at Drew, her hand urging her to move closer and take his hand. But May thought, What did he mean by that? The power to destroy and create matter?

"He has the power of wind, and the wind can destroy or create things. Though one day if the wind becomes too strong it'll kill him." May looked behind her, but nobody's there. What's going on?

Drew glanced worriedly at May. "She has the power to spread, but not control. She has no control, so one day she'll die from a creation she had spread." Drew's eyes widend and looked around him. Where is he? Nothing's here except the darkness surounding him. "Hey!" he yelled,"Let me out!" and started to pound the darkness.

"Who are you, and what do you mean by what you said?" Both May and Drew asked at the same time. They're both in a barrier. In the dark and alone.

The voice continued,"The emblem you have can create good things, or it'll turn against you and kill you. You have to keep the balance between the dark and light alive. Or you'll suffer and your souls will never come back to you."

Both May and Drew pounded as hard as they could, only one thought in their mind. "I have to stop him/her! I'll keep him/her from using his/her emblem!"

"But," the voice said,"If you connect with each other, something might happen. Weather it's good or bad, nobody knows. It's up to you now."

'Connect.....with each other?'

Sorry for a long update, it's been like what? Almost a month? Idk.

And sorry if it confuses you. -.-" I seriously need to work on this.


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