Part Two

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Madhu tears a part of her dupatta and ties it around his palm even though it wasn't bleeding that badly. 

"Why do you behave like a psycho?" Madhu asks him upset at him for cutting his hand. 

"Because I am one." RK tells her with a shrug. "Today you are going to be with me." RK tells her. 


"We got married today, Madhu." 

"I need to get notes." 

"Wait here." RK tells her and walks off. 

Two minutes later, RK comes with a bundle and hands it to her.  

Madhu looks at the Xeroxed copies and looks at him in shock. 

"Mukund's notes." RK tells her. 


RK shrugs and tells her. "Now, you sit here and study." 

Madhu was sitting with RK as she leaned on the tree and studied while RK simply watched her. Though Madhu was getting distracted with RK's presence, she tried her best to concentrate on her notes as she was lagging behind her studies. RK suddenly lies on her lap surprising her. Madhu looks at him and sees him with his eyes closed. She gently starts caressing his hair as she continued to study. 

Two hours later, RK wakes up and he turns to look at Madhu and sees her busy studying. He moves her hand that was holding her notes away gaining her attention. As she watched him, he leans up and starts kissing her on her neck as he cupped her cheek and with his thumb caressed her lips. Madhu stiffens in shock at the way he was taking so much liberty with her. Feeling him kissing his way down towards her chest, Madhu gently pushes him away. "Rishu... no... please... no." 

RK stops as he moved back and looked at her. 

"I am not ready for all this." Madhu tells him. 

RK nods and sits next to her. 

"Why aren't you studying?" Madhu asks RK curiously as he continued to simply sit next to her. 

RK shrugs in reply. "How will you pass then?" 

"I don't care about all this." 

"But I care." Madhu gently tells him. RK looks at her thoughtfully and Madhu softly request him, "Please study. For me." 

Sighing loudly RK gets up and walks off leaving Madhu baffled.  

Madhu sat there alone wondering whether she should wait for him there or go to her class. He didn't say anything and she had no idea why he had walked away and whether he was going to come back. She decides to wait for him there as he had wanted her to be here with him the whole day. Half an hour later, RK comes back with a bundle and settles next to her. Seeing the Xerox copies of someone's notes Madhu smiles at him happily and he smiles back. RK opens his notes and starts reading through it as he took Madhu's hand and played with her finger. 

RK was so engrossed in his studies that he didn't realize for a while that Madhu was watching him. He turns to her feeling her gaze on him and asks her curiously, "Am I disturbing you?" pointing at her hand. "When I was small I used to play with Maa's fingers like this when I studied." Madhu shakes her head with a smile and gets back to her studies. 

After the exams, since Madhu wanted to go to class as they would be getting their answer papers, RK also goes to his class on Madhu's insistence. As the class began, the Professor starts distributing the answer papers.  

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