Part Three

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Sorry for the late update... how much ever I tried, I cudn't bring back the spark in the first part... this RK has become normal in this part. This part is so bad that it is a tragedy!!! So sorry for such a big led down.

Thanks to all for liking and commenting on the previous part.

RK was driving when he hears her sniff and turns to her in shock. "You are crying?"


"Why are you crying, Madhu?" RK asks her worriedly as he parked the car and made her face him.

"Why did you behave like that?"

"Who is your father to stop you from coming with me?" RK asks furiously.

"He is my father!"

"I am your husband!"

"But he doesn't know that! Why do you behave like this, Rishu?" Madhu asks him sadly as she hugged him.

"I am sorry, Madhu. I don't like anyone coming between us. No one has a right over you other than me. If anyone tries then I just go mad." RK tells her as he hugged her tight.

"I hurt Papa because of you."

"Do you want me to take you back to your father?" RK asks her.

"You would?" Madhu asks him surprised.

"I can't see you cry."

"I was scared." Madhu whispers to him. "I was scared that if I went with Papa then you would stop talking to me like you stopped talking to you father. I thought I might lose you."

RK chuckles hearing that, "You are so innocent."

"You wouldn't stop talking to me?" Madhu asks smiling relieved.

"No... I will just lock you up in my room till you realized that you are to always choose me."

"Will you be locked in with me or out?" Madhu asks him smiling.

RK looks at her surprised and starts chuckling, the day would be the day she realize that she is a bigger psycho than him.


RK shakes his head and answers, "Obviously with you."

Madhu smiles happily and hugs him. RK smiling kisses her on her forehead and Madhu looks up at him and says with a shy smile, "Let's not go to college today."

RK starts chuckling hearing her, "You are becoming the epitome of bad student."

Madhu smiles as she hugged him tight, then she sober up imagining what would happen once she got back home. Her father would lock her up and try to separate Rishu from her. Her father hated Rishu, she could see that. She had to fight with her family for Rishu and she'll. And today was the only day they could be together before their bliss ended.

Evening, Madhu walks back into her house to find her parents furiously waiting for her. Without saying anything she starts to head to her room when Malik furiously stops her.

"I told you to stay away from him and all this while you..."

"I am sorry, Papa. I couldn't help it. I fell in love with him." Madhu worriedly tells Malik as she walked towards him.

"LOVE?" Malik scoffs. "He hates his own father!"

"But he loves me."

"He can't even love his father and you think he would love you?"

Rishabala : Three Shots: Bas Haq Hai Ek MeraWhere stories live. Discover now