Chapter 2 -- Meeting GD

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Kwon Jiyong or GD is the HAPPY-GO-LUCKY type.. He goes to work not because he needed it but because he just want to be out of the house often.. He applied for a job of a Computer Sales and Technician where he can earn and do what he loves to do.. Computer and meeting women! Pfft! Blessed with nice facial feature, beautiful black hair, pointed nose, midnight-black eyes (not to mention panda-like), he looks cool and cute (he wasn't blessed with height though! keke!), and women in their shop are convinced to buy PCs and gadgets when he starts talking to them.. 

"Good Morning Miss! What would you like to try in our products?" He beams his oh-so-cute smile.

The lady in pink tank-top and skimpy jeans skirt felt her cheeks turn pink and can only stutter while talking to him. "Uhmm.. I-I'd l-like to l-look at your newest Laptop available.. I want it pink and classy.."

Hearing this, Jiyong smiled and told the lady, "We have what you need ma'am, follow me this way.." With the blushing lady following her, Jiyong feels proud of himself.. Not that he knew he would earn but because he knew that he has this effect to women.. Walking proud, he led Ms. Blushing-Lady-Soon-To-Be-My-Fling to aisle 16 where the latest and newest laptops are displayed.

"Here is our new Baby Ma'am.. Sony Vaio Y-series Pink Edition.. It's already Intel Dual-Core with 1gb memory blah-blah-blah..And it suits your personality.. Sexy and chic! Plus it matches your cheek color when you blush.. And the lady's cheeks turned red.. "Or shall I give you color red instead? Like the color of your hotness.."

"Oh!" the lady gasped while staring at Jiyong and giving him a flirtatious smile.. "I think I found what I need.. Thanks to you, Mr..."

"Kwon.. Kwon Jiyong" and gave out his hand to Ms. Flirty and shook it while giving it a soft squeeze..

Jiyong explained everything to the lady and after paying the item, he gave her the receipt with something written on it..

Call me GD when we're alone already.. 

Looking forward to feel your hotness without your clothes on..

(+63)9054142576 -- KISSES!

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