Chapter 3 - How It All Started

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GD knew that Dara was known to their place as a tomboy.. He'd seen her once or twice 

wearing loose shirt and pants and her ever favorite sneakers.. He can't believe that this cute 

little girl acts and dresses as a guy..

"Wait! Did I think she was cute.. Again! Argh! This crazy girl.."

Dara, eversince that first night she met Jiyong at the church, she can't help but laugh at his 


"Pfft! Did he think that every girl in this village would swoon over him? Gah! He's a playboy 

and I wouldn't even fall for his cute antics.." But on second thought, Dara thinks that Jiyong 

is a cool guy.. Being famous and rich and all.. Like her ideal boy-next-door type of guy.. 

"Omo! I can't like him!" Seungri told me that he was left by his long-time girlfriend who flew 

to the U.S without telling him.. "Poor Ji.. tsk tsk.."

During the Christmas Eve night, the ninth night wherein after attending it would mean that 

you could tell God one wish and it will definitely come true, Dara went to the church alone 

since Bom went there ahead of her.. She's been leaving Dara because she doesn't want 

getting varicose veins on her creamy legs after having to stand up the whole mass itself..

Jiyong, who came from his bestfriend's house, was rushing already to get to the mass 

ASAP.. He can't help but anticipate what would happen after wishing that he wants Chaerin 

to come back and explain herself to him.. He's been attending the mass every night even 

after coming from work.. He really wanted to hear her own side of the story.. Gawd! How he 

misses Chaerin so much.. And he loved her that much to give her the benefit of the doubt.. 

Walking hurriedly, Jiyong bumped into someone..

"What the--" Jiyong said.

"Ouch!" was the word that uttered to the other person's mouth.

"Watch where you're going! Can't you see I'm in hurry! I'm gonna be late for the mass. 

Sheesh!" Ji blurted out.

"Yah! You were the one not paying attention to where you're going! You! You sick, pathetic 

guy!" and to his surprise, the person with this machine-gun mouth is none other than Dara.

They were blabbering their way to the church and when they got there, Seungri was there 

together with the other guys. They noticed them coming together and they were teased..

"Omo! Am I seeing ghosts?! Jiyong and Dara together?! Oooohhh.. You look good together!" 

said YB.

"Yah Ji, since when did you decided to go for tomboys?! " Daesung said.

"Yah! Stop all those nonsense! This crazy girl bumped into me a while ago! It's not that I 

would wanna be walking together with her! Duh!" Ji said.

"Excuuuuuuuuuuse me!!! The feeling is soooooooo mutual!"said Dara.

During the mass, Ji was so irritated with Dara beside him.. He can't think clearly and can't 

concentrate on the mass.. "Damn this girl!" When it was time to hold hands for the prayer, 

he can't believe he actually held Dara's hand.. It wasn't the typical soft hands that he's 

expecting for a girl.. Hmmm.. It made him think.. "I kinda like this.. It only goes to show that 

this crazy girl knows how to do household chores, hmmm.. She can have his husband now 

and I'm sure she will make a good wife.." after taking a glimpse of her and the little hand on 

his. He can't believe he's finding this crazy girl a cute one. He shook his head in disbelief.

When it was time to give out the PEACE BE WITH YOU smile, Dara smiled her oh-so-cute 

smile to Jiyong.. She noticed Ji grasping her hands a while ago and she liked it, she felt a 

tingling sensation and she felt like butterflies are flying around in her stomach.. He may 

irritate her but somehow, he has this soft guy aura that she would want him to be his 

boyfriend.. "Omo, did I just thought of wanting him as a bf? kyaaaahh!! Confirmed! Dara Park 

is attracted to Kwon Jiyong!" and she blushed at the thought of it.

"Peace be with you, Dara". Ji whispered to her ears sending tickling reactions.

"Peace yo!" was what Dara said to him and for the first time, Jiyong smiled sincerely and 

showed his nice set of teeth.. Dara's eyes went straight to his lips seeing that it is naturally 

pinkish by color.. "Hmmm, I'm sure he doesn't smoke. His lips looks soft." Being distracted 

and all, she smiled to herself and focused on what the priest was saying.

And now the mass has ended.. Let us all celebrate the sacrament of Christ.. and now it's time 

to go home..

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