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You woke up to a blaring alarm at 5:30am. Yawning as you pick up your phone, and check your notifications and one catches your eye.

@Sweet.pea liked your post.

It was a selfie from a few days ago, and it felt nice to know that he liked it.

You get up to shower and quickly pick out an outfit. Picking out some cute ripped jeans and a t-shirt, you quickly throw your hair into a messy bun. Pulling on your shoes, then grabbing your bag and head to school.

Getting there a few minutes early, and head to the lounge. You take a seat on the couch next to Kevin as a small group of serpents walks past.

"Hey, isn't that one kid gay?" You ask Kevin. He rolls his eyes, but checks out the cute student.

"I think, but he's not my type" he responds and stretches his legs out onto the coffee table.

You giggle and flash him a smile. "Okay okay, but you need a boyfriend. We can't both be forever alone"

He nudges you in the arm and smirks "Hey, maybe you can get a hot Southside boyfriend. Everybody likes a bad-boy" You're about to respond when the first bell rings through the school. You grab your bag and head to the first class of the day.

Sitting threw a boring math class isn't fun as is, but being tired and slightly annoyed with your teacher didn't really help.

You did all the work, because straight A's are the most important thing until summer, then talked to Valerie for a few minutes.

"Veronicas throwing a party on Friday, and she invited the pussycats. Do you want to go with me? Josie has family stuff, and Melanie just doesn't like parties." Valerie asked.

You leaned over the desk to hear her.

After thinking for a minute about plans for the weekend, then realised everyone was going to this party.

"Yeah I'll go. If you want to drink I'll drive because you know I'm not about to get drunk at a highschool party." Always being the Designated Driver was something you just did. Drinking made no sense and you wanted everyone home and safe.

"Thanks y/n. You're a blessing as always" you flashed a big smile and started packing up your books. The bell rang a few seconds later, and you quickly leave class.

Second period was music, which would be amazing, but you're with some of the most annoying 'class clown' kids in the grade.

It goes by quickly enough and everyone is thankful for free period.

Everyone was already talking about the party. It was Veronica Lodge after all and her party's we're outstanding. Loud music and drunk dancing is fun already, but Veronica knows how to get a crowd going.

After the last classes wrapped up you headed straight for the exit. On your way a certain black haired hottie catches toyour eye. Sweetpea was in tight jeans and a black and green t-shirt, with his signature Serpent jacket.

You gave him a small smile as he passed.

He was honestly one of the most attractive boys you'd ever seen, and it was amazing that he payed attention to you. On the drive home you only felt happiness and warmth.

When you got home you almost immediately got a call from Josie.

"Oh hey Josie what's up?" You sat down on your bed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go do something. Im bored and my mom's gone so if you want to come over you can" she asked threw the phone.

You let your hair out of its bun and ran a hand over it. "Yeah I can come over. Let me eat something real quick then I'll drive over"

She happily responded "Okay, see you soon"

After hanging up and re-tieing your hair, you head down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hey mom. Is there any food?"
You asked as you opened the refrigerator.

She opened the cabinet and took out a box of pop tarts. "Here, eat these" she tossed you the box.

"Hey is it okay if I go hangout at Josies?" You take the box and pull out a packet.

Your mother looks at you with dissatisfaction in her eyes "Be home by curfew and make sure your homework gets done."

"Of course mom. Love you and see you tonight" you give her a half hug and quickly walk out to the car.

Opening the pop tart to eat on the way, and choosing a station for the radio you drove the couple of blocks twords Josies home. She lived in the middle of town, and due to her mom being mayor it was one of the nicest houses in Riverdale. Other than Thornhill, and a few other mansion like homes, it was extravagant.

Pulling into the driveway you shot Josie a text announcing your arrival.

She unlocks the door and invites you into the beautiful living room. "Hey, thanks for coming over. It's really boring here alone."

You give her a warm smile "It's nothing. I love being here, and your one of my best friends. Plus my moms getting more smothering by the day." You take a seat on the couch and pull off your backpack.

"Yeah I get that. My mom has insanely high expectations. With the band and my grades. It's like she wants me to be Mayor at 16" Josie vented.

You sat and talked, the helped her with the homework for a hour or two. Then sat down to watch some TV.

After a few episodes that felt like 20 minutes, you realized it was nearly 8 o'clock, and curfew was strictly 8:30. You grabbed your books and gave Josie a quick hug good-bye.

You got home right on time, and went straight to your room to relax.

Changung into comfy clothes and flipping on some HGTV just to judge people for a while, you quickly fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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