f i v e.

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"Most of us are empty, most of us are simply more alive in the scenes of our dreams,
Then there's you, you've got something I've been wanting, ooooo, you're so new."

"Who the fuck is at my door?"

The banging woke Aubrey up from her sleep. Pushing the wild curls out of her face, she grabbed the silk robe from the end of her bed.

Swinging her front door opened Dave stood at her door leaning against the wall. "What's good mamas?" He tapped her chin with his finger, walking past her taking a seat on the couch.

"Why are you here East? At 3 AM?" Walking into the kitchen, she pulled out a water bottle.

"Keep it real with you ma, I'm fucked up." he laughed leaning back against the chair. He'd gotten her address from the employee files and his liquid courage just guided him.

"I know you didn't drive like this, you know how many people you could've killed?" Truth be told, that was the reason that led him to drink that night. He took a way someone's child. With every life he took, the more he felt like he was losing himself.

"Man, shut up. I'm a rich nigga, I got drivers on call." Grabbing onto Aubrey's hand he pulled her close to him.

Aubrey was the free spirit he needed, if only he knew the pain she was going through.

"I just came over to sleep, ya boy slept good that night at Reeks." Picking her up bridal style he walked to her room, Placing her down on the bed Aubrey took off her robe, putting on the shirt East had taken off.

It's been about a week and a half since Reek's kickback, and things in Aubrey life was going good, while East life was rocky.

Aubrey decided to stop sitting on the money her parents gave her, and lost hope in them reaching out to her. She wanted to show them she could be independent if they ever wanted her back home.

Then she walked into Neiman Marcus and Gucci. The thoughts quickly went out the window. The red bottoms were so eye catching, and she balled out in the two stores. She couldn't keep the money in her house, so her next off day she would go to the bank.

"Why you always drinking?" Laying her head on his chest, she bit the inside of her cheek. The feeling was foreign. Being close to someone, cuddling.

She never had a boyfriend, simply because the guys in her school were mainly white, and the black guys thought they were Corbin Bleu from High School Musical. They didn't consider themselves black, while Aubrey embraced it too much for their likings, and East just wasn't into falling in love.

"Because I like having fun. Just start expecting a nigga round these parts more. You can even come to my house. Just to sleep and shit. This East side of the bed now."

Aubrey laughed at him, Shrugging what he said off, this was him drunk. They were going to act like mutuals all day long, and by night time she would put on his shirt and cuddle with him? Didn't sound like something Aubrey was down for.

"Whatever, go to bed. I gotta work tomorrow. Might not even show up, since someone had to keep me up." She closed her eyes, yawning.

"Don't show up tomorrow, you gone be in the unemployed line tryna find a new job like Martin." Slapping his chest she laughed.

"You ampin', Don't ever feel like I need that job, Aubrey always gone be good. Now go to sleep."

The next morning came around, and Aubrey rushed around the room, getting her stuff together. She had so much planned like flat iron her hair and do her make up but of course she overslept "East wake up!" She yelled out, hitting his leg.

"Man what?" He turned on his side, to look at a fully dressed Aubrey.

"I have to go to work, and you're still in my house. Get up so I can lock the door." She sighed, clearly angry with him.

"Man just leave the key here, I'll lock up and bring it to you at the store." Sighing loudly, she didn't want to argue so she just agreed.

"Also, you not staying your overgrown ass here tonight." Cutting her eyes at him, she left the house.

"Hell I ain't."

While Aubrey was at 1 Av helping customers, East found something that made him angry. A large amount of cash inside of Aubrey's closet along with pictures of her parents. His mind ran everywhere and it pissed him of because he felt played.

She was from New York, and she moved down to Miami randomly.
She had all this money but worked at East store.

Was she just trying to get close to him and kill him off for the King of New York? Unique was the only thing keeping him from taking over in the first place.

"Aubrey. my office." East decided not to speak to anyone else. It was just Aubrey, and Danny today.

Aubrey followed behind East into his office, closing the door

"Why you called me in here like I was in trouble or something." She eyed him, annoyed that he took her from a conversation with Danny.

"Here" he handed over her key "You tryna play me? You think I'm dumb? Fuck you in Miami for? Who sent you here? You work for Unique?" All of East Questions came at once and the shock on Aubrey's face told it all, before he could catch himself his hands was wrapped around her neck, squeezing just enough but not too tight to where she couldn't answer.

Fear was there for a few seconds but it had registered in her brain, East knew her father. Squeezing her nails into his wrist he ignored them.

"How do you know my father?" Her voice began to crack, and a feeling of happiness washed over her, she had so many emotions flowing through her. East dropped his hand, letting her go.

"Did he show up to my house this morning? Were my parents looking for me? I knew they'd come get their babygirl. I have to go home."

Dave stared confused "What you mean? Unique ain't have no kids. You probably work for his old ass."

"What you mean? Why would in a boring ass office?"

"Someone's office? Nah baby girl, your dad owns New York. Businesses, the streets,  the real OG, a kingpin. The only reason I haven't tried to take over is because of the respect I have for him." Dave chuckled, still in shock that he actually had a child, and kept her hidden.

"That still doesn't explain all that money you had in your closet, and why the fuck you chose to work at 1 Av out of all the places in Miami." Dave paused getting his words together "I put that on my moms if you out here tryna play a nigga I will kill you." He came to a complete stop looking at Aubrey

"I hope you didn't touch it. It's what Unique and Milani sent me down here with. You know what? Can I have the rest of the day off?" Aubrey sighed, if he said no she would have just quit.

"Yeah, meet me at my house. I'll text you the address"

Aubrey nodded her head, leaving out the office and clocking out. She didn't even say goodbye to Danny as she quickly ran out going to the address Dave sent her.

Kingpin? She knew more secrets would unfold while she was in Miami and she didn't know if she was prepared for it.

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