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This one is LONG. I'll be honest, I did not edit 😂 I'm high key too lazy to do so.

I might do a filler chapter after this.

"Knee deep with a deep needing, We stay brave though we've been damaged. See most got a heart, but some's savage.
Oh dear heaven, so hope you're up to something, cause dear Heaven this just can't be for nothing."

Don't look back meant don't look back, and Aubrey understood why she had to go away, and why she had to change her identity.

Her whole life her parents did everything in their power to protect her, and these past two weeks she wanted nothing more but to be with them.

Suicide was a sin.

She should've taken East offer when he threatened to kill her.

Sniffling, she wiped the tears from her face. Gripping on the locket that hung from her neck. She wanted her parents back.

Tommie and Danny both tried calling her and eventually she just turned her phone off. She wore Dave's shirt every night. Not because of him, she hated him for the things he said to her but it was the one thing that made her closer to her father.

"Wake up Daddy, look at what I made you!" She climbed on the bed jumping up. Young Malaysia was only 6 years old.

She and her mother made Unique a big breakfast. Her mother did most of the work, but Milani promised she would give Malaysia all of the credit.

Unique sat up with a smile on his face, "You made this by yourself? My little girl" he laughed, looking up at Milani who shrugged.

"Okay, I admit. Mommy helped a little bit, but I did most of the cooking. She just played with Barbie dolls" she giggled.

"Well thank you Baby Girl, and kinda thank you mommy. Since you didn't help" Aubrey hugged her father, and Unique mouthed a thank you to Milani.

"Now let's watch The Little Mermaid! That's daddy's favorite movie mommy." She cuddled between her parents, eating off of her father's plate.

"Wow, that's good! I did such a good job cooking." Leaning over she whispered to her mom "Good job mommy"

Her parents laughed at the 6 year old. Malaysia was full of personality.

"I love you mommy, I love you Daddy" Malaysia spoke loud enough for them to hear

"And we love you too stinka"

Their relationship stayed tight until the day she was sent away. Malaysia never had a rebellious stage. She wasn't annoying, and she was wanted by both of her parents.

They loved her, and she loved them.

The door of her apartment unlocked, and she knew it was the only other person that had a key. She was too weak to fight with him. She hadn't eaten anything in three days, she showered, and brushed her teeth and laid back in bed.

She didn't want to smell herself, so she would at least make herself do that.

"Yo Aubrey?" The lights in her room were turned on, making her squint and pull the blanket in front of her eyes.

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