Chapter One

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Nialls pov.

I looked at the blade in my hand. Maybe I should do it. End it. It's not like anyone would be upset. The boys have been distant lately. Harry especially. I couldn't handle him being away from me. I loved him so much. I knew why he wouldn't love me. I’m stupid, worthless, waste of space, useless, ugly, untalented. These are things I'm called daily on twitter. Sometimes even in person. Girls never want to hug me; they turn their nose up at me. They want the other boys. It would be easier for them if I wasn't there. There would be more fans. They don't want me there. My vision was blurred and my eyes stinging. I pushed the blade down on my wrist and saw blood seeping out from the small incision. I dragged it across my skin. It was deeper than usual. I didn't feel the pain. I was numb. The pain didn't affect me anymore. The blood ran down my arm dripping off the tips of my fingers onto the white tiles. The crimson red stood out on the white. The bleeding didn't stop. I watched it with a blank expression on my face. It would finally be over.
"Niall?! Where are you mate?!" Liam! What's he doing here! He was supposed to be with the boys all night. I heard my bedroom door open and a loud gasp. He had seen the letters. He burst through my bathroom door. My vision was spotty and the world was spinning. I fell to the ground but before I could hit it Liam caught me bringing me to his lap. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my wrist as I faded in and out of consciousness.
"Don’t close your eyes Niall! Don’t stop breathing! Fight!"
He frantically pulled out his cell phone and dialled someone.
"Hello? Yes I need a friend...he tried to commit suicide...Liam Payne..." then everything faded to black.

Harry's pov.

My phone started buzzing violently in my pocket. I pulled out and Liam's caller ID showed up. I answered quickly.
"Harry!" Liam said his voice shaky. It sounded like he had been crying. What had happened?!
"What’s up Liam?"
"Niall...he's-he's in h-hospital" I heard him sniff.
"What?!" no not Niall...please let him be okay.
"He...he tried to kill himself harry! I-I-i don't k-know if I got there in-in time!" he sobbed hysterically.
"Tell me what hospital" he told me.
"What is it hazza?" Lou asked.
"Niall...he's in hospital" the boys jaws dropped.
"What happened?!" Zayn exclaimed.
"he-he-he tried to kill himself" tears spilled out of my green eyes and onto my cheeks.
"Well then what are we waiting for?!" Louis asked grabbing his keys off the table and running for the door. We all followed him quickly. My mind was racing. Niall was in hospital...what if he didn't survive. What if...what if he died...I couldn't think of how it would be if he did. The band would fall to pieces, I wouldn’t be the same…none of us would. We would miss Nialls carefree attitude towards life…who knew he was crumbling inside? He hid it so well. Why did he never talk to us? He knew he could talk to any of us about anything. We were there for each other no matter what. Was it something we did? Was it something I did?! What if I was the cause! And he died…I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. We arrived at the hospital and ran to the reception.
“Niall Horan?!” I shouted at the lady. She looked taken aback at my abruptness…but I needed to see if my Nialler was okay.
“Are you family?” She asked in an annoying nasally voice.
“Yes” Louis said pushing me to the side. He seemed very calm about this….Maybe because he wasn’t in love with him.
“Room 402…Down the hall to the left.” As soon as I heard it I took off running to the room. Liam was just coming out his head hanging low…No…he’s…he can’t be. I ran up to Liam and pushed him against the wall.
“Tell me he’s not dead!” I screamed at him.
“He’s not dead yet Hazza” He said quietly. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. His nose red.
“Yet” My voice sounded strangled and weak.
“The Doctors said he lost a lot of blood...he may or may not recover. I let go of Liam and pushed open the door. There he was. He was paler than usual.
His skin didn’t have its usual happy glow to it; his hair was flat and looked greasy. I saw wires and tubes attached to him. I sat down in the chair next to him and grabbed his cold hands. My body went numb. I couldn’t feel anything. If he died…so did I.


Sorry about the kinda depressing start...It will get happier....hopefully :D

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