Chapter Two!

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Harrys pov.

“Please Niall…” My voice was dry and raspy. I hadn’t let go of his hands. I felt like if I let go, he will go.

“Come on Hazza…You gotta eat” I shook my head. I wasn’t leaving Nialls Side. I looked at his pale face and my heart broke. I couldn’t live seeing him like this…but what if I’m the thing keeping him here. I heard the steady beeping of his heart monitor. I lay my head down on the hard, lumpy hospital bed. Why him? What had happened that caused him to do this? I heard the monitors beeps growing further and further apart and my head shot up from the bed. No…No…NO!

“Niall Please! Keep holding on!” I ran out into the hall way frantically searching for a nurse or anyone that could help me. “Please help!” I cried. Tears seeping out of my eyes and falling down my cheeks. I grabbed a nurse’s arm as she was walking away. “Please! Help me” I begged. I dragged her to the room before a word left her mouth. I pushed her in and his heart was still beating at the slow rate. “What’s happening…his heart…its decreasing”

“I think his body is reacting badly with the donor’s blood.” She stated over calmly. My breath quickened.

“You think?! You think!? Tell me you can help him!”

“I have to get a doctor…Please Sir deep breaths, calm yourself down” I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. It wasn’t working at all…he…he couldn’t go!

Zayns Pov

We had finally dragged Harry away from Niall body. They had changed the blood and Nialls heart beat was beating at a normal rate again. Harry made one of us stay behind to make sure nothing happened. Harry loved him. He made that clear with his reaction to Niall situation. I volunteered to look after the little leprechaun..he was like my little brother nothing would be the same with out him. I heard a rustle of sheets next to me. My head shoot towards the bed and niall was making small movement.

“Niall mate? Can you hear me?!”

“Z…Zayn?” His voice was quiet and I barely heard it.

“Im here Nialler” I grabbed his hand.

“Hey….” His head rolled towards me and his eyes slowly opened. Like he had to force them open.

“Stay there Niall…” I ran out of the room and to the hospital cafeteria. “Boys?!” I shouted. I saw Liams arm raise up and wave. I sprinted over there puffing.

“What is it Zayn?!” Harrys voice was full of sorrow and worry.

“Niall! He’s awake!” Without another word harry was sprinting off.

Nialls pov (Lots of pov swaps in this chap isn’t there J)

The door slammed and I moved y head to see a frail looking harry. His beautiful green eyes dull and seemed grey, his luscious curly hair was greasy and didn’t seem to have the same fullness. The red rims around his eyes made it clear he had been crying…along with the dry tears on his face. Had I done this to him?

“Hazza?” I whispered.

“Hey Nialler” He smiled weakly.

“You look like crap” I smiled trying to lighten the intense mood.

“Language Niall” He scolded me.

“But Im Irish” I used my lame excuse. He shook his head and some stray curls  fell onto his face.

“You always use that excuse Nialler” He came up to me and leant down pressing his warm lips to my forehead. Butterflies erupted in my stomach making my stomach do a flip.

“Sorry hazza” I lifted up my arms carefully and wrapped them, around his neck in a loose hug.

“Its okay Nialler…Im just glad your okay”


Hope you likes it :D Comment, vote, fan :D hehe

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