Chapter 4:

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Cute Narry moments! Hopefully! :D


Harrys Pov.

I lay in my bed thinking about those kisses. I couldn’t get them out of my mind. Nialls lips were just so perfect. I wonder if he was thinking of them too. Maybe I was the reason that Niall cut. I couldn’t handle that. I felt a tear slip silently down my cheek. I pushed the covers down and walked out of my room closing my door quietly behind myself. I tiptoed down the hall to Nialls door. I pushed it open slowly hearing a creek. Niall groaned and flipped over in his bed.

"Hazza?" He whispered softly. I came up to the bed and sat down. "Hazza why are you crying?" He sat up immediately and wrapped his arms around me.

"Was...Was I the reason?" I choked out the words.

“Do you want me to be honest?” He whispered slowly…He didn’t want to tell me. I don’t blame him. I nodded even though my whole body told me not to.

“You were part of the reason Hazza, not the full reason.” I was part of the cause; my little Nialler did this because of me. Tears ran down my face again. I had the feeling I was at least part of the reason from the beginning but what was the rest of the reason.

“Niall? What was the rest of the reason?” I asked tenitivly.

“The fans…Im worthless and untalented” He said with no emotion, he was holding back his tears trying to be strong for me. I snuggled close into his chest breathing deeply. His heart rate was steady unlike mine. It was uneven and jaggered. He had that effect on me. I heard his breathing change from smooth and clam to quick, fast intakes of air. I smiled internally, I had this effect on him.

“Niall, you’ll never be worthless. Not to me. You are the most talented boy I have ever known, your voice is like a angel and you guitar playing is perfect, if anything it makes you more attractive than you already are”

“You really mean that Haz?” He asked his voice low and cautious.

“Of course I do babe” I smiled. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek, then his temple. “Can I stay here tonight?”

“Yeah” We both hoped under the covers and I pulled Niall close, feeling his warmth radiate into me.


I opened my eyes slowly and felt a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw the familiar mop of blond hair. Nialler. I smiled to myself. He groaned and stretched out his legs.

“Morning Harry” He groaned. His morning voice was sexy.

“Morning Nialler” I grinned down at him. He moved up and pecked my cheek. “You missed” I stated.

“I don’t think I did” He grinned cheekily and slipped off the bed. I lay there admiring the beautiful boy standing in front of me.

“Stop staring Haz, you’re making me self-conscious”

“But you’re so beautiful!” He smiled shyly and his cheeks heated up. He looked at the ground.

“Come on, we have interviews today!” I groaned not wanting to get out of bed. I threw the covers over my head as Niall opened the curtains.

“Don’t make me get up!” I felt him suddenly jump onto the bed and he straddled me ripping the blankets back.

“Come on! Up you get Harry!”

“Don’t go all Liam on me!”

“Does Liam do this?” he asked leaning forward and placing his soft, sweet lips against mine.

“I sure hope not” I let out a throaty chuckle and Niall laughed as well. My heart skipped a beat as that heavenly sound escaped his mouth. He jumped off me and ran into the bathroom giggling. I rolled off the bed and dragged myself to my own room.

“One Direction!” The presenter announced us and that was our cue. Lou walked in first, me close behind, then Zayn, Liam and Niall. I was going to be so far away from him. “Hello boys” the lady grinned. She was quiet pretty, if I wasn’t with Niall I might flirt a little bit.

“So boys your new single, Live While We’re Young has just been announced.”

“Yeah it has, we are really excited about it” Liam smiled at her.

“And you guys have been nominated for two Vmas and you are performing there!”

“We can’t wait for the Vmas and everyone remember to vote!”

“VOTE!” Louis shouted.

“Okay, down to the questions, Niall you were in hospital recently, could you tell us why?” Nialls body went ridged. He freaked.


“He wasn’t well, but our little Nialler is all better now” Liam quickly covered and wrapped an arm loosely around Nialls shoulders. I felt jealousy bubble up inside of me. No  Harry, you can’t be jealous, Liam is like Nialls older brother. I felt like slapping myself…but you know I would look weird if I just randomly slapped myself in the middle…oh look at me! Im ridiculous!

“Haz!” Louis whispered nudging me.

“Sorry?” I snapped to attention.

“Have you found a special Lady yet Harry?”

“Um…Well…Urm…No…” I let out slowly. I was telling the truth, I hadn’t found a special lady, I had found a special Man.


Look at that! it took a little while but you know Rainbow poop :D

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