reign of fireworms

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We out doing our daily stuff when fireworms started coming to our island.

Fishlegs- it began with one Fireworm, and as we were flying back, we kept seeing more and more.

Astrid- do you think they're migrating?

Hiccup- if they were migrating, the whole island would be on fire.

Fishlegs- not necessarily.

Snotlout- here we go.

Fishlegs- when Fireworms migrate, they send out scouts to see if their migration route is safe. If this is a stop along the route...

Astrid- an entire flock of Fireworms could be coming through here.

Tuff- well i say bring 'em on. I love those little scorchers.

Hiccup- are you still gonna love them when they all land here and burn our entire island to the ground?

Tuff- yes! Wait, no. Wait, is that a trick question? Because its pretty tricky.

Astrid- Fishlegs, how much time do we have?

Fishlegs- uh, its hard to say. If its a full migration, the rest of them could be here as soon as next week.

Snotlout- ha. Good to know. Its been nice knowing you, island. Snotlout is outlout.

Hiccup- we're not abandoning the island, Snotlout.

Snotlout- uh, yeah, we are. Watch.

Hiccup- guys, we put too much hard work into this place to just leave. Snotlout is not outlout. We're  staying. Now lets get to work.

Me- come on Snotlout.

Snotlout- fine. But i still like my plan better.

Hiccup- ok Astrid you and Fishlegs filled the watering troughs, right.

Astrid- yep. Topped of all the barrels too.

Fishlegs- oh, i found a perfect cave for the night terrors. High enough and desolate enough so the flames wont get near them.

Hiccup- perfect. Good job guys. Now if the twins would finally get back, we could find out what they've done.

Snotlout- oh, i can tell you what they've done. Zero, zip, zilch. Im forgetting something. Oh, yeah, goose egg.

Tuff- oh, contrary my fine fellow. We have done quite a lot actually.

Hiccup- did you clear the brush?

Tuff- uh, no.

Me- i did.

Hiccuo- build a fire break?

Ruff- nope, not that.

Astrid- how about water? Did you bring any back?

Tuff- couldnt. Too busy.

Hiccup- busy with what?

Ruff- finding something awesome.

Then they took us to a part of the island with a rock.

Ruff- behold. We call it the namey rock.

Astrid- and why is that?

Tuff- duh, cause it has our name all over it. Cool, huh?

Snotlout- oh, yeah. I mean, no. Man, you two are completely ridiculous.

Ruff- ridiculous? Perhaps. But answer me this wheres your namey rock?

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