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The next morning our dragons were locked up and heather and hiccup were gone. When they came back we were all in the clubhouse again.

Heather- look im sorry i locked up your dragons. I just didnt trust that you guys would let me go after dagur.

Fishlegs- trust does need to be earned with people and dragons.

Heather- thanks for understanding Fishlegs.

Snotlout- i dont really trust these guys either, heather. Last night Diamond throw me into the water.

Astrid- you know we can hear you. And she had a good reason to.

Snotlout- jealousy is an ugly quality Astrid. But clearly i understand where it comes from.

Astrid- ugh.

Me- Snotlout. I have had it with you.

I jumped at Snotlout and we rolled on the floor.

Snotlout- get her off before she bites me.

I punched him in the face and then bit his arm.

Snotlout- ouch!

The twins pulled me off but barely.

Hiccup- Diamond please relax.

Me- but Hiccup...

I held back tears.

Hiccup- i know we will talk about it later ok?

Me- ok.

Hiccup- anyway the point is, we have your back, heather. You're one of us.

Fishlegs- yea, i stocked Windshear's stable with buckets of sea slugs.

Snotlout- and i made room for you in my hut.

I went to jump at him again but hiccup and Astrid grabbed me.

Astrid- as much as i would like to see you beat him up again you really do need to relax.

Hiccup- and ive made it clear to Snotlout that you're not staying in his hut.

Tuff- even though you were the rogue dragon rider and you sabotaged our dragons and you snuck away in the dark of the night. Wait a minute why do we like you again?

Me- thats a good question.

Heather- im truly sorry, Tuffnut.

Tuff- whoa. That was sincere. What am I supposed to do with that? Im feeling a bit flushed and overwhelmed. Little help here? People.

Ruff- ugh. Help yourself.

Fishlegs- amd if you need any help with Windshear...

Snotlout- why dont i show you around the Edge. Im basically chief.

Me- thats it im out. Im going to go find Jackson.

Snotlout- again with this Jackson guy.

Heather- thanks, guys, really. I....

Ruff- hey glad your back. Your dragon rocks.

Hiccup- Diamond stay please.

Me- ugh. Fine.

Astrid- legs go have some girl time.

Heather- good idea.

They left.

Hiccup- Diamond lets talk. Everyone out of the club house.

Me- Hiccup.

Hiccup- i wont take no for an answer.

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