Chapter 9

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The next day we went to school. We saw our friends and waved to them as we went to our locker to get our stuff.

"So what's the plan?" Sheera said as she opened her locker.

"We can't talk about it right now," we said looking around, there were a lot of people and we wouldn't want anyone to overhear. 

"Like what's cool guys," Stacey said sassily walking up to us.

"Nothing," Darelyn said.

"Oh come on like don't you know you can't put anything past me. Like who do you think I am?"

"We were just talking about our new language for the school's curriculum. We can't wait to get started on learning Greek." We said, hoping she won't ask any more questions.

"Like okay, it's Greece by the way, Ciao." She waved goodbye as she headed up to the classroom.

'It is not Greece,' Olivia side said in our head.

'Yeah, at least she won't try and help us. You know she would just take the ingredients and just make make-up out of it,' Jolie side said.

"Hey guys the bell rang come on," Sarah said as she headed up to the classroom.

"Hello, class I am Mr Galatas, I will be teaching you Greek this year."

Stacey raised her hand and said, "Um like It's Greece like everyone knows that."

"Actually it's Greek, Greece is the country it is from. Please take a seat and open your books."

He started looking at us in an odd way. New teachers always did that. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?"

"Oh, um we were born this way, we are conjoined." We said shyly.

"Oh how rare, anyways does anyone know anything about Greek?"

A girl Clara raised her hand and said, "The language family it comes from is Indo European."

"Well done. How did you know?"

"Oh I'm from Greece so I speak Greek at home."

"Do you like, eat Greek yogurt?" Stacey said filing her nails.

"Uh, yes I do," Clara said uncomfortably.

"Please do not talk without raising your hand," Mr Galatas said. "Today we will be learning the Greek alphabet. Write all the letters down and be careful with how you write the symbols."

A few minutes later

"Okay, that is enough time, has everyone written it down?"

We looked around the classroom and everyone nodded their head.

It was quite hard to write the symbols but we had managed to do it.

"Okay good job now as I say the pronunciation you say it back okay?"

Everyone in the class nodded.







A few letters later

"And Omega."


"Well done class, oh that's the bell head on out."

We quickly got our food and headed for the tree where we always sat. It was a nice quiet spot and its big leaves gave shade when it was a hot day.

"Greek's pretty cool," Darelyn said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to learn more," Sheera said.

"Okay guys we need to talk about the ingredients," Daria said opening her sketchbook.

"Yeah, so what we need first is a four-leaf clover."

"Oh, well there is grass right here, we can search for one," Sarah said staring at the ground.

We looked around, there were three leaf clovers, two leaf clovers and Sheera even found a five leaf clover. But no four leaf clover. 

"Ugh, this is useless," Daria said getting out her sketchbook and drawing again.

We had looked everywhere but there was no luck. We decided that perhaps we should look where there is more grass so we headed to the oval.

"Okay we should have more luck on the oval," We say looking around. There were people kicking around a ball and people running around. We hoped that we wouldn't get hit by the ball.

"Okay, since there are five of us we should split up and take each section of the oval, we will cover more ground that way," Daria said as she pointed to a section of the oval. "I'll look over there."

We all split up and started looking. We went to the ground and scanned the grass carefully. People kept looking at us as they walked past. One of the guys that walked past asked us what we were doing. 

"We're looking for a four-leaf clover," We said, hoping he would just go and let us search.

"Oh, you mean like this?" He held a four leaf clover in his hand. We were shocked.

"Um, can we please have it?" We asked politely.

"Okay, sure he said almost dropping it into our hand until he said, "Whoops sorry," and ripped the leaves off and threw it on the ground. He chuckled and walked away.

"You Jerk!" We yelled. We still kept searching, until the bell rang. We went off the oval and hoped that our friends had found one.

"Sorry I couldn't find one." 

"No luck with me."


"Couldn't find any." They all said.

"Well a guy found one and we asked if we could have it and he just ripped it up, what a jerk."

"What?! What does he look like why I'm gonna punch his..." Daria said but we interrupted her.

"Hey, if anyone is punching him it's us. Oh yeah, he had glasses and brown skin and is in our year."

"Oh no, Jim," Sheera said. "He is the worst, he always just randomly talks to me and calls me a sheep, what an idiot."

"Yeah, oh well guess we'll try again tomorrow..." We said heading off to our next class. We felt as though there was no way we could get the Quattuor Elementa. If we couldn't find a four leaf clover how could we find anything else?

After school ended we walked home because there was no bus to catch and our parents were going to be late so they couldn't pick us up from the library. We walked home and thought about how we could possibly gain this power when we accidentally tripped on a curb. 

"Seriously? How bad is our luck?" We said, getting up. As we brushed ourself we noticed something in the grass.

We picked it up and...It was a four leaf clover!

"Oh my god, we found one!" We said happily.

"Yes! Maybe we can do it!" We opened the door to our house and went inside. We couldn't wait to tell our friends the good news.

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