8.- Your so beautiful.

10 1 0

*Veronica Racheford*


"Are you sure about this v?" Sasha looked at me.
I smiled of course she's worried.
"Yes, I'm positive Sash can I just have the potion?"


Walking into the corridor today I got lots of stares. Eh, that's to be expected. I literally saw this kids food fall out of his mouth. He was that shocked? I mean I would be too if the roles were switched. I mean I not everyday you see the goody two shoes of the school like this. Walking over to my table and sitting down I pulled my iPhone out of my bag and put my earbuds in. I'm the first person from my group here as normal. After about five minutes I get a tap on my shoulder. Turning around and taking my ear bud out I look up to see Cedric. I smile at him.
"Hi Cedric." I could feel my cheeks turn red.
"Whoah, Veronica! What's up with the new "style"?" He said using his hands to put up air quotes. Narrowing my eyes at him I begin speaking, "Oh ya know just trying something new. I think I'm going to get my lip pierced soon too, gotta problem with it?" I said crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. He chuckled and sat down beside me. "Actually I think your hair looks sick." I giggled. Ew why am I so giggly? I'm pathetic. I quickly clear my throat. "Yeah. Whatever, it's cool I guess." I can hear the cafeteria get queit again and I turn to see what it's about. Draco, Sasha, Echo, and Sadie are standing at the end of the table staring at me. Sasha not as surprised she gave me the potion, but definitely didn't expect the new clothes. I smiled and waved them over. Once that got over there The tension building between Draco and Cadeic was dense so I did what I always do. Run. "So, I really need to get to the library. I'm going to get an early start on next week's assignments. I'll see you guys around. Sasha, Echo, wanna join me?" They don't reply they just nod and I wave to Sadie and the boys and begin my walk to the library. Once we got in the Echo was the first one to start firing off questions. "Is this for a boy? You know Draco already likes you for you. You don't need to darken up for him." She says with a serious expression. I bust out laughing and immeadiantly get shushed by some students. By STUDENTS! "Um, excuse me don't shush me. Why are you even in here? Shouldn't you like be playing Pokemon go or something? I think I heard someone say something about finding a  Charizard." They glared at me. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to my friends. "Guys there's nothing to be worried about, I just thought I should start to find my style and you guys know how much I love my OBEY hoodies and my skinny jeans. So what if there ripped? That's really in right now. As for my hair. You guys die yours all the time. I wanted something new." I reasoned with them. They looked at me and I could tell that they still didnt believe me but thank goodness for distractions. Because Rylyn and Draco walked in and I could see Sasha get all fidgety and start adjusting her top.
"Hey guys, we're going to the pub. Wanna join?" Rylyn whisperd and I giggled at Sasha's immeadiate response. She jumped up so quickly I swear it happened in like one second and her and Rylyn we're out the door. Draco looked at me expectantly. "I'm still gonna work on some work for best week and Echo said she's gotta go help Harry and Ron with something in 15 minutes." I responded.
"Actually V, I'm leaving now I just realized that I haven't had my daily douse of Pop tarts. Momma's coming my little babies. So I'll see you guys around." She to was soon gone. Gosh she's obsessed with Pop tarts. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my books out of my back pack. Placing them on the table I flipped open to next weeks chapter and began doing some work pages and taking notes, after translating some spells from another language I could feel Draco staring at me. I smiled and looked up at him. He smiled back at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I let out a laugh. "Because your beautiful." I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I blushed and hid my face in my books. I could here him laughing at me. After I could feel the heat leave my cheeks I looked back up at him and smiled. "Yep. I knew it" I teased. "What?" He said confused. "The "bad boys" gone soft."

*Time skip*

I practicly got nothing done in the library. I like to stay ahead on my work but, it's kind of impossible when Dracos around. Walking down the hall to my coridoors and up the staris. After I entered my dorm and sat my stuff down I kicked my shoes off and stepped into my closet to grab some pajamas. And once I was done I took a shower and went to bed. Or at least I tried to but my phone started ringing. It was my mom. A picture of her and my dad was displayed across my screen. It was a picture I had took of them when they weren't paying attention. My father was standing behind my mom with his hands around her waist and he was looking down at her lovingly. Quickly running over to my phone and picking it up I answered. "Veronica I, I need to tell you something darling. It's not good news so please have a seat."
"Mom, your scaring me."
"Honey, I'm very, very scared."
"Mom.... What's wrong?"
"Its-"  She starts sobbing. "Its- oh sweetie it's grandma... She's in the hospital. They don't think she's going to make it. When can you come home?Your grandmother would love to see you." Shes trying not to show all of her emotions. I know my mother all to well. "I'll come stay tomorrow night mom. I have to be back Monday morning before class. I love you I really need to get some sleep mom." I say staring off.
"I love you too.....*beep*beep*beep*"
I slide down the wall dropping my phone on the ground. Bringing my knees up and resting my head on them. I begin sobbing uncontrollably. I had known my grandma wasn't in good health. But here lately she'd been showing signs of inprovements. She had called me just last week to ask me when I would be coming home for break. And what I wanted to eat when I had gotten there. Feeling completely broken I stumbled to my feet and darted to my backpack emptying it on the floor and getting some clothes out of my closet and throwing them in. I couldn't wait any longer. Changing into a hoodie and some jeans I put my hair in a ponytail and slipped on my sneakers. I grabbed my bag and my charger then picked my phone up off the floor checking the time. 10:00 I still had a hour before curfew. Maybe I could fine Snape or Dumbledore and convince them to let me leave now. Walking out of the door and darting down the hallway I run into Sasha and Echo they had been giggling. "Whoah watch it bud- V? Where are you going- whoah what's wrong?" Sasha ran over to me and I sniffled. "Echo... Grandma's sick. They don't think she's going to make it." Ignoring Sasha I looked at Echo. I could see her face transform just like mine did before she ran to her room and came back with a two bags. She handed one to Sasha and we began walking to Professor Snape's office. Let's hope he or Dumbledore understand.
Pic at very top is here new hair. The pics down there are her outfit and her makeup.
Ooooohhhh girl poor v. Smh tragic.
   Let me know if you guys have any recommendations. Also I know short chapters I promise I'll try to make them more lenghty  soon. Pleaseso I know how I'm doing on this story. Love you guys. Thanks for the support my lovelys!<3
Word count:1421

❤Word count:1421

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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