Chapter 6.-Decisons

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Earlier this morning Sasha and me were talking and she didn't want to answer a question so she yelled Draco and of course me being me I wanted to know where. She's crazy professor S got on to us. It was kinda funny then I called Sasha blueberry and she made this whole ordeal about dying her hair. She actually did it!!! I wonder what Echos reaction will be. She probably won't react the same, she dyes her hair on a regular basis. She likes to keep her hair a sort of platinum silver shade. It takes a lot of work if you ask me.
I was making my way to lunch and Draco started walking beside me. "Hey Draco what's up?" I smiled at him as I said hi. "Oh nothing just decided I'd walk with you." I smiled at my feet. "Your a smiley one aren't you?" He said laughing. "Well I'd much rather be smiling all the time then to look like I'd just murdered someone all the time like snape." I replied. "Professor snape probably has murdered someone and by someone I mean lots of someone's like probably an entire town at some point" he said looking completely serious. I just glared at him. He's probably right. As we got to the cafeteria and sat with the rest of our group I was immediately bombarded with questions from Echo and Sasha. "How was your date!" "Did you pick yet?" "Who do you like more?" "Did he kiss you?" I couldn't even process and find the answer to one before that asked another. "Guys calm down I'm sure she will tell us." Hermione replied sitting down across from us. "Hey Hermione! Did you have fun with us last night?" I asked excitedly. "Well of course. You being there made it ten times better I've finally met someone as smart as me to discuss with." She said smiling. I smiled back "ok guys to answer your questions , my date was great ,I haven't decided yet, I'm not sure who I like more yet I feel like I should give the other guy a fighting chance to." I replied looking up at Draco and smiling. "And to answer the last question yes, yes he did kiss me." I said suddenly becoming embarrassed. My cheeks turned a dark red. I've always hated blushing. It's so annoying. Draco had the weirdest loom on his face it was as if it was a look mixed of confusion ,hurt and anger. "Sasha can I talk to you over there?" I said pointing to the door. I was going to get to the bottom of this. I needed to know if Draco liked me. Because if he did I would need to give him a chance. She nodded her head and followed me."This is about Draco isn't it!?" She asked getting excited. "Does he like me?" I asked very determined. "Well you see..., Dracos never going to admit it to you because of his pride but yes he likes you." Wow. I knew he was acting off. The only thing is now I'm one hundred percent confused. Cedric is a year ahead a Draco is the same year. Cedric probably would find someone better but so could Draco. Uhhh why is life so confusing sometimes I wish it was easier. "Wow, so what should I do?" I asked needing her severe help. Hoping she's pick for me. Either way I'm hurting somebody. "Well I can't pick for you V. It's up to you but I can tell you that you should give Draco a chance maybe hang out with him some and see if you like him." Wow that was a very mature answer for her. She's finally learning. "Thanks Sash!" I yelled hugging her and skipping back to our table. I smiled at Draco as I sat down. "Hey V! I was wondering if you could help me with the potions homework , Echo was just telling me how you helped her. So would you mind?" He asked kinda nervously. Hum that's funny Draco Malfoy's nervous. "Of course! Hurry up and finish your food and meet me in the library." I demanded as I gathered my books and sped my way to the library. So I'm guessing he's probably messed the same thing up as Echo. A lot of people had been making the same mistake by getting the measurements off so this should be easy. Once Draco was in the library and was sat dow I asked him, "Alright now which problem is it?" He laughed at me. I'm not sure why he's laughing I'm so confused. Is there something on my face. Is there something in my teeth. Oh gosh there is isn't there. Oh no I know I shouldn't have eaten a salad. There's probably lettuce in my teeth. "V" "Veronica" "Roni" "hello?" Draco says breaking me out of my trance. "Sorry." I said looking down at my feet embarrassed. "I didn't actually need help I just wanted to hang out with you." He said with a smile on his face. Not just any smile but a genuine smile. It made my heart melt. We spent the entire time just laughing and talking. We weren't talking about any thing in particular, we were just talking. Talking about everything and anything. He was surely a character. I think I liked him. He was just so different from a lot of people. But the only thing weighing on my mind before I went to sleep that night was who did I like more? Cedric or Draco. Thinking about this made me want to rip my hair out, it was frustrating!

AN: updating has been a bit tricky but I'll try and update as much as possible. School is my biggest issue.
I love you guys!
Thanks for the support.
Word Count:981

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