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Juyeon Pov

The person's face had immediately went from happiness to pain as soon as the words left my mouth. "Don't joke like that. You know me." I shook my head then walked away. I didn't have time to deal with psychos. "Where are you going? I'll accompany you." "I'm sure you're busy..." I said as I pointed to the bouquet on the ground. "...with that." I continued to walk away as I tried to remember how I even got here from the bakery.

Jaehyun Pov

It was Juyeon. He never told me where he went nor when he was coming back. I thought he'd be ecstatic to see me, but it was the complete opposite. "I'm sure you're busy with that." I looked at the bouquet I had dropped and cursed it. I had picked it up, but Juyeon was already far away. "How couldn't he know me...?" I sighed as I walked into the building and took the elevator up.

"Jaehyun!" Jacob gave me a hug then took the bouquet from my hands. "Here's your pay." "Thanks." "Kevin texted me saying he saw Juyeon outside. Was he really?" I slowly nodded as I remembered our interaction. "You don't look happy. Are you two arguing?" "He doesn't know who I am." Jacob had just closed the door behind us and I could tell his eyes were wide open. "What? But, then it would make sense since he asked about us." "He what?" "Kevin said he didn't recognize either of us." I didn't want to believe it, but what other explanation is there? "He has to have amnesia." "That would make sense. But then here comes this question. Who has been caring for him this entire time?" I slumped down in my seat as I couldn't figure out who. "If only he had told you where he was going and who with." "I'll just call up everyone and ask."

Juyeon Pov

Whoever that person was, they made me feel strangely at peace. I wouldn't mind meeting them again, if I were to be honest. I found myself back at Yuta's and two of the workers had changed. I took a deep breath then walked inside. The smell of bread and sweets filled my nose then I felt a familiar throbbing sensation. "Of all times now?" I thought as I leaned against a table for support.

"Welcome to Yuta's!" "This guy is pretty cute..."
"Do you guys happen to have that bread with cream filling?"
"We sure do. How many would you like?" "I really like those too...We already have a common interest! I hope he stays..."
"Just two."

The scene momentarily became black then visible once more.

"He really did stay. He keeps checking his phone. Is he waiting for someone?"
"Good job today, Juyeon. See you tomorrow." I had taken off my apron and hung it up. The customer called out to me as I walked past. "Do you mind if I use some of your time?"
"I don't. So, what do you need?" The customer kept looking at me and I looked away every time as I wanted to hide my flushed cheeks. They handed me one of the pastries and told me they've been wanting to talk to me for a while now.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying down on a couch somewhere. "Ah, you're awake!" The person I had met before hovered over me and I instantly felt threatened once again. "Here, these should help." I weakly thanked them then sat up. "Who are you? Why are you helping a complete stranger?" "What do you mean? We're coworkers and best friends." Best friends? Youngjae said I couldn't trust any of my friends. "I see." "That's it? No 'Hi, how are you?' or 'Let me tell you what happened to me...'?" "Thank you for this, but I have to go." I quickly left Yuta's and made my way back home.

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