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"I did not came back here to be told what to do. Not by you! Not by anyone!" Bjorn snapped before he stalks out from the cabin he called home heading to the forest to Floki's cabin. He have not been happy lately and that was not Trovi's fult and he know that but he can not help but to remember Porunn. And it makes him sick to his stomach. She broke his heart beyond repair.

I wish that I had never met her. Then there would be no need for this pain.

A sigh left his lips as his eyes wander over the trees landing on her. A frown on his face as he stared at her naked figure walking to the lake near the cabin. Bjorn hid behind the trees as she goes fully under the water. After some time she came back up, filling the forest with her giggles. Her laughter was the most beautiful sound he ever heard. Like a beautiful melody being sung by the goddess themselves. Without thinking his legs start walking to her direction, wanting to hear that capturing voice again.

A snapping sound startled her. As she turned her head to the sours of it her warm brown eyes met his icy blue. And just like her voice, her beauty took his breath away.

I hate it.

" Arabic girl" he greeted her as he took place on a rock near the swimming beauty. "Bear" He looked at her confused as to why she would name him after an animal. At Bjorn's confused expression, Reena laughed.

Here it is again.

" Forgive me but I can not help but see the semelarty between you and that beautiful creature. How big and strong yet kind and gentle when you both want to be."

He glanced at her. "Do not form a judgment about something or someone you just met"

" But you are. That day when you came to the harem I thought I was going to die. You looked so scary. But when you saved me from that man on the boat I knew you are not as terrifying as I thought." She explained as she walked out of the water. She rolled her eyes as she felt his eyes following her body in the corner of her eyes. But she ignores it, feeling used to this kind of reaction from her clients. After she got dressed she turned her body to his direction before walking to him, sitting next to him. He looked down at her small frame. how can a small and fragile thing survive this brutal, bloody cruel world. He learned that a pretty face can get you so far the hard way.

"I want you to take me with you to Northumbria." Bjorn looked at her in amusement before laughing.

"You wouldn't last a day, you are too sweet and nice for that place. Trust me I am doing you a favor." He tucked a chocolate lock behind her ear.

"I did not ask for you to protect me. I want to go and you preventing me from going is not a favor, quit the opposite actually." She locked eyes with him to show him how serious she is.

"What in it for me? If I take you with us how can you benefit us? You clearly do not know how to fight. You are just gong to slow us down."

"I am a Biologist. I study living things and how to heal them. I can heal you and your army. I'm the best healer in Spain, King Abdurahman used to count on me when it comes to serious matters. I can be your healer there, Also I am an Astronomer which means I know how to go to places, lands far away through the stars." He looked at her, at how she can be all of that and still be as tiny as a deer. "Fine, I'm taking you but don't blame it on me when you die as soon as you sit foot on Northumbria ." He said a little close to her face than before, his eyes flicked to her full lips wondering how hers would feel against his rough lips. but before her can go any further he got up heading to his original direction. Reena smiled as she finally convinced Bjorn to take her with them. Now she can finally look him in the eyes as she watch his soul leaves his body. Now she can finally make him pay for what he did to her mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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