Jealous Dua

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*just for the record, this hasnt been proof read yet because its 12pm here and im tired. enjoy the chapter anyway! ly bye*

Jingle Ball 2018. One of the best nights of my life. Dua and I were on our way to the event when she got a call from Camila. 'Yeah, yeah we're almost there.... I know right?.... Ok, you too love. Bye!' She ended the call and put her phone back in her purse with a sigh. 'Oh my god, y/n I don't know if I'm ready to meet all these people.' A frown appeared on her forehead which made me realise she was not kidding. 'Dua, what are you talking about? You'll be fine trust me.' I said as I put her hand in mine and a smile appeared on her face from the gesture. As I spoke up again, the car stopped in front of a traffic light. 'I'm serious babe, you are the most brave, confident, beautiful, amazing person I know and I've ever met.' She started blushing. 'That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me y/n.' I leant forward and pecked her lips before the driver told us we had arrived at the carpet. 'Ladies, we're here.' The flashing lights now became brighter as the car neared the crowd. I squeezed Dua's hand one last time when the driver got out and opened the door of the car. Maybe Dua had gotten used to this, but I still hadn't quite found a way to deal with all those lights. We got out and walked the carpet together. After a while Dua took some solo pictures as well and, to my surprise, they wanted me to pose on my own too. When we finally got out of the chaos we made our way over to our seats, because the show was about to start. 'OH MY GOD' I screamed out loud which made Dua, and a bunch of other people look up at me. I apologisingly waved them off and got into my seat with Dua laughing out loud. 'Love, did you know that Camila is seated next to us?' I whispered towards her. She gave me the 'maybe...' -look. I put my hands over my face and cried out a 'No'. 'Why are you so nervous Camila is the nicest person ever? Do you have a crush on her or something?' She said kissing my cheek after playfully bumping my shoulder. 'No it's not that I just- idk maybe I'll say the wrong things in front of her you know.' Dua noticed that I was genuinely nervous so she turned me to look at her and held my head in her hands. 'Babe, I promise you, Camila is the most awkward human being you will ever meet so don't worry you'll be totally fine.' She said laughing a bit which luckily calmed me down. I swear Dua always makes me feel so safe and calm, its insane. 'Omg hi guys!' Oh shit, it's Camila. Calm down y/n calm down. I turned around 'surprised' and got up to give her a hug. 'I'm so glad to finally meet you!' I gave her a smile which she returned happily. After Dua had welcomed her too the show started and we all sat down in our seats. 'Mila, where is your mom and Sofi?' Dua whispered towards her making me sink into my seat, as Camila sat on the right to me and Dua had to force herself over me to talk to her audibly. 'Oh yeah they couldn't make it today, but they'll be at my show tomorrow in Boston though.' She said happily which made me happy too for some odd reason. 'That's great! I haven't seen my mom in ages to be honest.' I said actually thinking about it because I hadn't really seen any of my familiy members in those past few weeks due to Dua's touring. And don't get me wrong I LOVE touring with my gf, but sometimes I kind of miss home. 'Yeah, people often ask me why I take my mom with me everywhere I go, and that's just because I know that I can't go that long without seeing her. Family is the most important thing to me so I try to have them with me as much as possible.' I nodded understanding. 'And here are the nominees for Best New Artist!' (AN: are there nominees at the Jingle Ball? idk) The screen showed 5 of them wich included Dua as well. When her pic came up I quickly sqeezed her hand and placed a kiss on her cheek. 'That's you love!' I said grinning in the kiss which made her smile too. 'I'm so proud of you babe.' She kissed me back on the lips and soon after someone came up to announce the winner of the category. 'And the winner is... DUA LIPA!' The whole building was shaking as he mentioned her name. We both jumped up and hugged each other and I even felt a couple tears on my shoulder as we did. I kissed her on the lips one more time whereafter she made her way up to the stage. Proudly I sat back down in my seat and watched her receive the award and do a speech for this. 'Wow oh my god. I don't really know what to say and honestly I did not prepare a whole speech.' She said wiping away a few tears with a huge smile on her face. The audience laughed a bit after her statement. Camila tapped me on my shoulder as Dua went on. 'First of all I want to thank my family-' was said in the background when I turned my head to the other girl. 'Congrats on your girlfriend!' She said grinning. 'Thanks, you too on your performance!' *AN: lets just pretend that Camila had performed already okay?* Camila responded with a giggle and let me just tell you that that was the most beauitful and cute laugh I have ever heard someone do. It's not that I am saying that because I like her, which I do as friends of course, but her laugh is just so cute. I was gone for a moment as I noticed that Camila had leaned forward again already. 'Thanks, you're cute too.' She said laughing and I just wanted to sink into the ground at that moment. I could feel myself blush as Camila couldn't stop laughing. 'It's okay don't be embarrassed, my friends tell me that all the time.' I wanted to ask her 'really?' but she leaned in to say something too so our lips brushed for a moment. (in the background) 'also my lovely girlfriend of course, I don't know what I would be without her-' We laughed about it at first, but I noticed Dua mentioning me and I supposed that she looked at me as she said it, so I put the pieces together and... yup my girlfriend just watched me accidentaly kiss a friend in front of her. I was sure that this night couldn't get any worse. Except for the fact that the whole audience might have seen it too, but luckily they didn't. I saw the confusion and hurt in Dua's face but she quickly moved on with her speech and didn't mention it. Well, of course she didn't y/n (*AN: this is you talking to yourself btw*) what did you expect would have happened huh? That she would call out your name and run up to you, no duh. 'Uhm, y/n I think Dua saw our little accident just now.' I was mad about it, but at the same time I was laughing too because it was just so inconvenient and funny. 'Yeah, uhm what are we gonna tell her?' The both of us were laughing our butts off at the situation, when all of a sudden a hand grabbed me and pulled me out of my seat. I was still laughing as I knew what was about to happen. Camila apologetically looked at me and I just waved it off with a 'its okay' as I was dragged out of the hall. Luckily we were seated at the very back so noone saw anything. 'Dua I swear it was an acci-' I said as she pushed me into a bathroom. 'Shut the fuck up.' I was confused, did she really think I way. 'Are you serious y/n?' I shook my head thinking about what she possibly could've been thinking at that moment. 'What do you mean I-' 'wHAT DO i MEAN? Y/n you just embarrased me in front of everyone EVERYONE!' I laughed about it for a second, but when I thought about how Dua could've possibly felt about the whole happening, I let out a sigh. 'Dua I know how that must have looked, but noone saw it right? So we're in the clear I guess.' She laughingly shook her head in disbelieve as she put her arms over each other. And after a moment of looking away she turned to me again and spoke up. 'Wow, I would have never expected this from you.' She said. 'No but Dua, it's actually really funny we just br-' 'STOP! I can't handle this anymore. HOW COULD YOU? After everything we've been through you decided to just kiss one of my best friends in front of me? During a speech for an award I've worked so hard for?! What the hell y/n!' She yelled tearing up now. 'I- I, Dua it was just a brush, an accidental brush! We didn't mean for this to happen either!' I yelled at her now, getting a little angry about the fact that she thought I would acutally do that to her. 'Do you really think I would do that to you? This on one of the biggest events in your career? Really Dua, really.' I couldn't believe this. Dua didn't say anything now. She just looked at the floor, still letting tears come out of her eyes. I walked over to her and tilted her head up so I could see her eyes cleared now. Wiping the tears away I kissed her on the lips. 'I would never do that to you, love. It was just an accident which Camila and I laughed about, because it was so stupid.' I felt Dua's body shake from the crying. She let out a deep sigh and fell into me for a hug. 'I know y/n I do, I'm just so exausted from everything happening right now. The tour, tonight, Camila being so incredibly beautiful and you just being so oblivious about it.' Our hug ended in me holding Dua's head in my hands. 'It's okay, I get it babe. I love you no matter what and Camila is indeed really beautiful, but nothing can top your eyes. Your hair, your laugh, your smile, everything about you is more beautiful than anyone else in the world, Dua.' She kissed me passionatly as her hand took mine in hers. 'Let's enjoy the rest of the night, shall we? I think Camila is kind of lonely right now.' I told her laughing. 'Yeah, let's' Dua said smiling as I pushed the door open for her and we made our way back to the show.




Missed me? Well ur in luck cus ill be writing some more stuff soon again. I wont promise anything, but there will be more content from now on! I've noticed many people adding this book into their reading lists and I just wanna say ty! Ty so much for liking this book and seeing it as one of your favourites! The support has been great so far and Im so glad about that. Do u want to see another part of you being jealous? Or pretty much any other request for a chapter, please let me know in the comments and dont forget to vote boo's. Thats what I call you from now on btw so get used to it. Ke bye have a great monday although it probably wont be that whatever byee xx

- Annika

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