Jealous Y/n

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Okayyy first of all: yes, I'm still alive. Another chapter for you guys with this time a story that was reqeusted by one of you! @FallenSkyscraper tysm for the request and im really sorry for being so late with the writing😅 I know you said that I should take my time hehe but still, sorry. If you guys have an idea as well for the imagines just tell me and I'll write them! Enjoy today's chapter in which you are jealous, well the title is pretty much self-explanatory tbh. Also I just saw that my book is on NUMBER 5 of #dualipa which is so cool!! Anyways, enjoy the chapter and lmk if u got any request! 💗💗
A/N: not proofread
This weekend Dua and I are attending a party of an old friend of ours. We haven't seen her in a while so we're pretty excited for this reunion. The party will be at 9 tonight, but we didn't get a present yet and since Dua is gonna be in the studio all day I figured I'll go get it myself. So here I am, walking inside of the mall at 5pm now, on my way to the 'Rituals' store. That would be a great gift, just one of those packages with a gel, soap and a body scrub. Ughh yes please. And I actually found exactly what I wanted for the exact price I had expected! All in all it turned out to be a great day and I actually still had some time left to get me some donuts from Dunkin'. As I was making my way out of the store with a box of holy food I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I walked to the nearest bench and put the box down to munch on a donut whilst checking my texts. It appeared that Camila had texted me some pictures and a few texts in caps. I first took a bite from my pb donut and took a closer look. After typing in my code I realised they were pictures of Dua in the studio with some random guy. I had never seen him before so the first thing I thought was: 'Who the hell is this?' As I was looking at the photo's again I noticed they were from probably that guy his instagram. A few seconds later Camila sent me another text in caps which made me wonder what the hell was up her ass. 'READ THIS ARTICLE.' it said. This made me a little anxious. I shifted in my seat a little before opening the link she had sent me. It was indeed an article, from Clevver News to be exact, in which Chelsea Briggs (our biggest CS ladies and gents) had put down everything she said during a recent video on their yt channel into a little article. 'Oh my god! Is this a scandal or just a little misunderstanding? Dua Lipa was seen in the studio today with Ricky Alvarez, being quite touchy. Too touchy for my liking since y/n, her girlfriend, is seen getting some shopping done today in the mall, WITHOUT! Has something happend between the two or is Dua cheating on y/n? You tell me! Anyways, don't forget to follow us on-' OH SHIT. You gotta be fucking kidding me. I ran out of the mall, with my donuts of course, got into my car and drove to the studio as fast as I could. No way is this little prick gonna steal my girl from me. I walked into the building, got in the elevator, went to the 7th floor and ran to the third studio. My behaviour was so wrong, but I couldn't help myself🤦‍♀️. I bursted into the hall of the studio and just held myself back for a moment. I took a deep breath and made a mental note to not freak out too much. What would Dua think of me? That I don't trust her? Maybe this was a mistake. I shouldn't have come here. As I turned around to go back I heard them laughing. 'You're really cute you know that right?' I heard him say. More laughter. Okay that's it, I'm going in there. Still I reminded myself that I shouldn't be expecting too much. She would never do this to me right? I slammed the door behind me, just loud enough for them to hear, and walked through the hall to the studio making sure they heard my footsteps clearly. 'Hey babe! I was thinking maybe we can, you know, get some in-n-out for tonighy?' I stepped into the studio and felt his eyes burning into my back, but I pretended not to notice. Only then when I turned around saying; 'Man, I'm starving.' I noticed that Dua was sitting in this Ricky guy's lap. It was silent for what felt like hours. They were looking at me, I was looking at them, especially Ricky, and words just wouldn't come out. My mouth opened itself but, again, nothing happened. Suddenly Dua got up from where she 'sat' and walked over to give me a hug. 'Hey, I've missed you.' She said as if nothing was going on and she hadn't just practically been straddling some guy in front of her gf. Eventually Ricky decided this was a good time to finally say something too and got up. My blood was boiling by now. He coughed and stuck his hand out for me to shake. 'Hi, I'm -Ricky.' I looked up from his hand to look at his face. His smile was huge and I could see Dua sitting on his lap again which only made me angrier. 'Are you fucking kidding me?' I slapped his hand away. 'Y/n, what are you doing?' He put his hands up surrendering looking from Dua to me. 'Dude what the hell?' I couldn't believe this guy. 'Oh so now I'm the bad guy?' I got closer and closer to him getting angrier every step. 'Huh?' Our noses were now only inches apart. 'Listen, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about big girl.' I was raging now, only waiting to finally punch him in the face. 'Do I have to refresh your memory then? Hmm?' He questioningly scrunched his nose and got even closer to my face. 'Try me.' He whispered. I felt Dua tugging on my arm begging me to stop. 'What if I slapped you then, would that make you a little smarter? Because I would love for your nose to feel this fist dumbass.' Ok thats it. I lifted my fist and everything slowed down before it all went blurry.— 'Y/n?' I shook my head in confusion. There he was, still waiting for me to shake his hand. Ricky was looking at me weirdly, wondering where I went and it took me a moment to realise that none of that actually happened. 'Yeah uhm-*cough-I'm y/n, nice to meet you.' He looked satisfied which made me boil from inside again, but I decided that I didn't want it to end like this. He turned around and sat back in his seat. 'So, in-n-out huh?' Dua said seductively tugging on my hand. I smiled at her and got lost in her eyes for what, again, felt like ages. How are they so beautiful. How does she exist? Why me? 'Y/n?' I got back to my senses and could swear Ricky scoffed for a second there. 'Yes! In-n-out love. Wanna go?' She nodded before turning to Ricky to tell him that she'll be back in a few. 'Yeah sure, I'll be gone by then already so have a good night.' I mentally thanked the lord for this and nodded in approval as Dua said her goodbyes at last. We were finally in the elevator, with Dua under my arm, when I spoke up. 'So why didn't you tell me that he was gonna be there?' She gave me a confused look as to why I asked. 'Why, are you jealous?' I saw her smirking and mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. 'No, no uhm it's just- uh.' A sudden realisation came over her. She inhaled before fully turning to me. 'You've read the article haven't you.' I took a sharp breath realising she knew exactly why I was like this and surrenderingly nodded. 'Yeah, I have.' Dua looked me in the eyes tugging a strand of hair behind my ear as she spoke up. 'Darling, I would never do such a thing. Why would I when I have you? My beautiful gf who is always there for me and so damn beautiful?' She lovingly spoke. 'I don't know love, I'm so sorry for even thinking that.' I felt her hand moving to my cheek and caress it. We were still locking eyes. By now I had totally forgotten the article and every single thing that made me freak out in the first place. Dua kissed me passionately before the elevator opened again and we made our wat over to in-n-out. Why am I so damn stupid?🤦‍♀️
YES GUYS there you have it! dont forget to vote and maybe even add this book to ur library so you get notified everything I publish something new. Imma sleep now ke bye xx💗

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