Chapter 13: return of the Pfieffer triplets

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"Anyway, thanks again for trying to saving our lives," Alizay said to the others. "What are we gonna do with Adam?"

"Leave that to us," JJ said as he, Wyatt, and Caleb picked him up and dropped him in the room with the blood fountain. Tyler made sure to slip the moonstone back in Adam's pocket before Adam woke up.

When Adam woke up, he sniffed the air, then he went for the fountain and started drinking it.

When he stopped, he looked dead in Alizay's eyes. He walked towards her while she trembled on the inside. He got close enough to bite her face off, but he didn't. Instead, he licked her face. She slowly picked an arm up and scratched behind his ears. He was wagging his tail and panting happily.

"Whoa, he's warming up to you," Tyler said.

"He probably knows not to mess with you," Caleb suggested.

"Or your friends," Wyatt added.

"Or maybe he sees the goodness in me," Alizay said.

"Or maybe he knows not to mess with you or your friends," Wyatt said.

Alizay just scoffed and rolled her eyes as she continued to pet Adam. After a while of that, the gang wandered around the recreational center while talking to each other.

"So, Caleb," Alizay started, "why are you called 'Dr. Knife?'"

"I don't really know," Caleb said. "It may have something to do with that one time when I made an anatomically correct statement about someone's life. I don't remember what I said. All I know is that it was anatomically correct. So, JJ, how did you and Maralyssa meet?"

"Well—" JJ started before Maralyssa interrupted.

"Don't say it," she said sharply.

"I'll tell you later," JJ said. "So, Maralyssa, remember that time you sacrificed McKaylen Dacey?"

"I kinda wanna forget," Maralyssa said quietly.

"No, you misunderstand," JJ said. "That time when you messed with everyone's memories was about the time when that Kayla chick started coming to this school. They both had long, blond hair, they were both tall, and they had small waists. Coincidence? I think not."

"Um," Wyatt started, "who's McKaylen Dacey?"

"It's a long story," Maralyssa said. "Anyway, Caleb, what did you find on that computer?"

"Well," Caleb started, "what I found was a massive order form for big-boy steroids. You know, the stuff for 18-year-olds. And I mean it when I say massive. There was at least fifty pounds or more of that stuff involved. Luckily, I snapped a pic of it with my phone while you guys left. So, that'll be our proof."

"I took a pic, too," JJ said. "Of the whiteboard and of that girl in the gym. Now we have more proof."

"Goody," Alizay said. She then felt another chill down her spine. "Uh, guys," she said nervously. "I think we're being watched."

"Yeah, right," Caleb scoffed.

"No, wait," Maralyssa said. "I too feel another presence. More than one. And it's not us."

Adam knew something was up, too; he started growling and barking.

"Adam, what is it this time?" Tyler asked.

Adam suddenly got to his knees, covered up his ears, and howled.

"Looks like someone found the whistle," Tyler said as he sat by Adam's side.

"And it looks like someone found us," Alizay said as she pointed to a room.

In that room were three fairly tall girls with long, black hair. They each wore shiny, black leotards and their faces said that they meant business.

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