Chapter 4: problems with zombie phones

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As the gang was walking down the halls, Adam kept growling. It was starting to get on everyone's nerves, especially Caleb's.

"Can't you calm that mutt down?" Caleb complained as he sharpened his knives.

"I just told you," Tyler started, "he's got wind of something he doesn't like!"

"Well, blow that whistle!"

"That's for emergencies, only! Besides, it'll just drive him even more nuts!"

"Well," Caleb started, "if he doesn't shut up, he'll probably draw unwanted attention towards us!"

Adam barked.

"Shut up, mutt!" Caleb exclaimed.

Adam ran past him and towards a door labeled "Technology class."

"Not yet, mutt," Caleb said. "Bathroom break."

He then pointed to the bathroom doors, which were conveniently unlocked. Everyone went to use the restroom (even Adam).

When they got done, Caleb went to a snack machine and saw a snack that he totally wanted.

"Anyone got a dollar?" he whispered.

"No," Alizay whispered back.

"Why would any of us bring money?" Tyler asked rhetorically.

"But I waaaaant it!" Caleb exclaimed as he threw a fake tantrum, trying to make them all laugh.

JJ, Tyler, and Alizay chuckled. Maralyssa and Adam, however, were not amused. Maralyssa was rather annoyed because Caleb was acting like a total 1st grader (like he almost always did). Adam wasn't even paying attention because he was too interested in what was hiding behind the technology classroom door to care.

"Should we just open it?" Alizay asked.

"Don't see why not," Caleb said as he picked the door with one of his throwing knives.

After the door got opened, they all entered the room.

The room itself was fairly big, with computers everywhere. There was also a table with lil robotics (mini rovers, lil robotic people, stuff like that) and remote controls for said robotics. In the darkest corner of the room was a plastic recycling bin labeled "Can of broken phones". The word "phones" was partially scribbled out, and written above it (in sharpie) was "Dreams."

"Creepy," Tyler whispered.

"More like 'cool'," Caleb said. "Let's open it."

This statement made Adam happy, as he wagged his tail excitedly.

"No," Maralyssa whispered sharply. "We need to leave now!"

Just then, the door shut behind them. The can began to move. Then, it fell over, spilling the phones.

"Don't make any sudden movement," JJ whispered.

Adam didn't listen; he instead made his way towards the phones, but Tyler blew his whistle and made Adam stop dead in his tracks. The latter got on his knees, covered his ears, and howled.

"Dude, stop blowing that whistle!" Caleb yelled sharply over Adam's howling.

Tyler stopped blowing the whistle, and Adam calmed down. He then got up and growled at the phones.

Just then, one of them grew black, twig-like limbs and got up. Then another did the same. Then another. And another. Pretty soon, all of the phones had limbs and were surrounding the group.

"Well, then," Alizay started, "let's dance!"

She made the first move and smashed three phones at once with her mallet. Then, Maralyssa muttered something in Latin, and five of the phones popped. JJ did a fire spell and burned several phones at once. Tyler shot nine phones in a row with a single shot from his slingshot. Adam was wasting no time grabbing phones and crushing them with his fist and/or mouth.

While everyone was fighting phones, Caleb sat back and said, "Screw this! I'm thirsty" while grabbing a can of Monster and drinking it. Before he could finish it, however, a zombie phone came out of nowhere and knocked the can out of his hand, spilling it all over the floor.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Caleb yelled. He grabbed out a knife and stabbed the phone repeatedly while screaming, "Die, die, die, die, DIE!!!" Then, he threw a knife at another phone. Then another. He felt a rush of excitement course through him as he killed these electronic little monsters. He felt like he did when he went on one of his robbing sprees; he felt free.

Before long, all of the phones were killed (for good [for now]).

"What kind of school is this?" Tyler said.

No one said anything. They went to the door and tried to open it. It was locked.

"Can I?" Alizay asked Maralyssa.

"Knock yourself out," Maralyssa whispered. "Or rather, the door."

"Yay!" Alizay exclaimed with joy as she raised the mallet over her head and bashed the door out. She walked out first. The others soon followed her—well, except for Adam. Tyler went to see where Adam was and found Adam licking up the spilled Monster.

"Hey!" Tyler called. "You don't just drink stuff off the ground! That's nasty! Now, come on! Let's go."

He then grabbed Adam by the scruff and dragged him out of the room. They soon rejoined the others and together, they walked down the halls.

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