Imagine #2 (Billy Hargrove)

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Imagine being jealous of the other girls checking Billy out.

Goddamn if Billy Hargrove wasn't a sight for sore eyes. Those jeans he'd wear that hugged him in just the right way were a gift from heaven. And you were happy to call him yours. But, other girls just so happened to be hoping to do the same, and you were absolutely not having it. His looks were a blessing and a curse.

Every morning, Billy would come to pick you up and drive you to school. This morning, it didn't happen, because Neil insisted that Billy make Max breakfast, even though he knew she never ate in the mornings and it would only make him late. The fact that he couldn't come get you was fine, of course, you were perfectly capable of going yourself. On the other hand though, hearing him say, "Ready to go, darlin'?" All the while wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to him, was certainly an added plus.

Unfortunately, none of that could happen. Meaning, your daily routine was thrown off, and so was his. Which meant, something was bound to happen. "Something", was right. Lord knows that every chance they got, the same babbling group of girls would come for Billy like fresh meat. Although Billy tended to deny it, from your view, that was exactly what they were doing. His notorious Camaro pulled into the school parking lot- and you can bet as soon as that group of girls realized you weren't with Billy, they jumped at the chance to get a hold of him. It made you furious.

Billy knew that the situation he was in wasn't going to end up well for anybody. Including them. Especially them. He was circled by the same group of girls you'd always complain about flirting with him, to which he'd always deny. But now, it was far more apparent and he didn't want to catch your temper. On the other hand- your temper could be kind of hot. And damn if he didn't want a refresher of you being possessive. So, he decided to push things a little further. He could see you seething in his peripheral vision, but Billy wanted you to come claim what was yours.

You couldn't believe what was happening. After so many times of warning Billy of those girls' bad antics, he was openly flirting with them. You would believe it too, if you didn't know Billy. Many times before, after he'd realized how important you were to him, he'd put everything into loving you- even if he couldn't say it yet. Billy- your Billy- would never. It was obvious that he wanted a show though, so you would give him one. You were beyond angry that he would go to such lengths just to mess with you, but not surprised.

He could see you pacing up to him- and even though he noticed, it seemed that the other troublesome teens hadn't managed to yet. Boy, were they in for something. You walked with pep in your step. Of course, feigning happiness might give them a sense of hope. By the time you'd reached the car, they'd started to speak. "Hey, Y/N. Why keep him all to yourself, huh?" They giggled. It made you sick. It made Billy confused. You didn't look upset at all. You turned to him and smiled. "Yeah, why keep you all to myself, huh? I'm sure they'd love to share. Huh, girls?" They seemed confused now, too. Nervous, maybe. "Uh, yeah. Of course." At that, you nodded in agreement, and pulled him down to your lips. He groaned lowly into your mouth and attempted to pull you closer, but you pushed him away. "Awh c'mon, we're sharing aren't we?" "Actually, no thanks. We've got to get going-" "Yeah, I'm sure you do." There was a pause, and they walked off dejectedly.

As you watched them leave, you mumbled under your breath, "Serves them right..." You turned towards him and chuckle at his face. Frozen, with the lightest hint of your lip gloss on his lower lip. "You shouldn't have done that, Billy. There's a limit y'know." "S'all for you anyways, baby." He leans down to kiss you and you grip his chin. "Ah, no. I expect an apology." He grins- sinfully. "M'sorry sweetpea. Give me a kiss, huh?" "You've got my lipgloss on your lips." "Mmm, just means I taste like you." He grips the nape of your neck and tilts your head up to meet his lips to yours. When he pulls you closer, your hand slips from his jaw and your fingers thread through his hair. "Is it really all for me?" You grinned mischievously and stared up at him. "Yes ma'am. All for you."

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