The Message

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It's the end of class and I see Aaliyah in the distance. I fast-walk up to her.

"Woah, chill the fuck out." She said.

"You WILL NOT believe what happened in the cupboard with me and Kend--"

"Ooooh, what happened?" She raised her eyebrows and winked.

I make sure nobody is around then I explained what happened. It was kind of hard since she kept interrupting me with "ooohs" and "aaahs".

Eventually, I managed to get through my sentence.

I know she wanted to say something out loud, because she dragged me to the toilets.
She waited until everyone finished and left in the toilet before speaking.

"Aaaaaaaahh" she squealed. "Awwwww he likely likes you"

I forgot to mention she has a little sister, who is 5, her name is Cinead, (pronounced Sinead). I have meet her on a series of times to know she is annoying as hell.

Her irritating personality obviously got stuck in Aaliyah's head when she said likely likes.

"No he doesn't, but he knows I like him.. Aaliyah.. did you tell him or something?" I pace around the room, I already knew she didn't, I just felt the need to ask.

"Well..uh.. long story." I stand still where I'm standing and I almost die. And when I say die.. I mean DIE.

(A/N: Just imagine if your crush found out you like him.)

I ran over to her and softly bitch-slapped her face.


"It..uh.. just... kinda slipped out?" She says, almost like she is questioning herself.

I decide to let it go. He might have forgotten. I still held a grudge.

"It's ok" I mumble.

I haven't seen Alexis in time. She hasn't come to school. Maybe the thing with Carmen took a toll on her. I haven't forgotten about Carmen, but if I think about her vividly, I might cry...

Where the fuck is Alexis though?


I overslept, I totally forgot about school. In the timespan of two minutes, I brushed my teeth, bathed, brushed my hair, wore clothes, and is currently making breakfast. I was about to spread my toast when I got a message.

Don't bother going to school, you don't know what I'm capable of sweetheart.

I rolled my eyes at the comment. It's obviously a prank. Seconds later, I heard a knock, then an inpatient bang.

I scurried up to my room with my phone. I heard a ding. It was my phone.

Didn't believe me, sweetheart? Don't leave your house or dare to tell your friends about this.

Without thinking, I message back.

What do you want from me? What did I do to you?
Who are you anyway?

I obviously dialled the number but it went straight to voicemail.

I thought you would be smarter than that, Alexis. Just do as I say for now.

Who are you?

Just save me as your worst nightmare.

I saved the person as my worst nightmare. Hell, this person could hack my phone then stab me for not doing it. Might as well not take any chances.

I was scared as hell to come downstairs. I mainly lived alone since my dad was always working. It made it 10 times more scarier for me.

I decided to bin the toast and just sleep on my bed, close the windows, lock the doors and know if was safe... for now.

3 hours later..

My eyes darted open when I heard a bang at my door. A wave of relief washed over me when I heard Naomi, Aaliyah and Cedric shouting in the door.

I opened the door and they all had remorseful looks on their faces. They must have thought I was mourning. How I wish I can tell them. I think quietly to myself.

"Are you alright? What were you doing home alone? Are you still mourning?" All these questions were being thrown at me. I suddenly felt faint.

Keep it together, Alexis. C' mon! My inner voice told me.

"You alright babe?" Cedric asked calmly.

"Y-yeah, yeah. Um, just kind of flustered." I say, faking a smile.

(A/N: Readers, I advise you not to read this next part in the night because you may get nightmares and the don't want to be the cause of that. So maybe if you don't want to take a chance you can skip ahead to the next chapter.💕)

I had only just realised I had been blocking the door path in the house with my body slouched on the side if the door my hand at the opposite end.

I was about to say come in but I saw a figure, sitting behind the bushes as if it was trying to spy on me.

The shadow/figure (whatever), which was clearly a man, had seemed to finally realised that I noticed him and looked me dead in the eye. All I saw was a broken soul, deep down in his eyes.

He squatted behind the bush, put on a black hood and ran away.

That man, there was something about him... I can't be the nail not the head on it. He's different but the same.

I look in front of me to see two angry faces and one soft and calm one.

"Did you hear a word I even said?" Aaliyah said, folding her arms so people couldn't know she goosebumps she was getting from the cold.

"N-no, sorry." You guys seem cold. Wanna come in?" I ask.

Aaliyah proudly storms in but careful not to hurt Alexis. And Aaliyah started rambling.

This is going to be swell(!)


What did you think about that guy?

Song: Never Enough - The Greatest Showman

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