So who was it?

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I walked away, not knowing where I was going. Well it's not like I care when everybody is accusing me of stuff I didn't do.

I just can't handle it.

"NAOMI!" I hear Aaliyah call from the distance.

I stay where I'm standing so I can allow her to catch up to me.

"I know it wasn't you," she starts "I know you and Carmen were good friends too, so don't worry what the others say."

I run up to her and I hug her. I hug her and then my tears flow out. It's nice to have somebody I can rely on without accusations everywhere.

She lead me back to where our little, possessed "camp" was.

Everyone had apologetic looks in their faces.

"Sorry." They said in unison.

All of a sudden, tears overcame me. I couldn't hold it in and accept that one of my friends had died. And had no idea who it was. Before after a minute, everyone started crying.

10 minutes later...

Her body still lay lifeless on the floor. We concluded to go to a police station and bring them here, since there was no service.

We ran through the woods like we were in a fucking superhero movie. Jumping, dashing, dodging. And shit like that.

We saw red and blue blinking brightly in the distance. At fucking last, I can tell we ALL thought.

We ran a little further before we reached the station. I told them I could go in alone.

"THERE HAS BEEN A MURDER IN THE WOODS!!" I shout at one of the policemen.

"Woah, chill." He said.
Right there I wished I told the others that I wanted them to come in too.

"Are you single?" He said.

"Estùpida perra vete al infierno y quemar (you stupid bitch go to hell and burn)" I shout.

Judging by his face, I can tell he understood what I said.
And I couldn't give two fucks.

I stormed outside like a little kid when their mum says they can't have candy and said that there was no hope. Kendall said he would go in and I just nodded.

Kendall went in and two minutes later came out with 2 police officers behind him, I looked at him stunned and he smirked.

"Let's go kids" One said.

And off we went.

30 minutes later...

We were in the police car, our eyes bloodshot from crying. Everyone got out of the police car and lead then to the body.

"So was this some type of prank?" Asked the second police officer.

"I don't think it's very funny, don't waste our time again." The first one said.

(A/N: Whoever noticed what I did there is a genius 😂😂)

What the hell!!

We all watched the police officers walked away.

Everyone was shocked.

No, shocked is an understatement. Astonished maybe?

Carmen's body wasn't there. Wait, was she alive or dead?
Oh shit. We didn't check her pulse. But where the fuck is she?

We were beyond confused.

What were we supposed to tell her mum? All these questions were inside my head. We all didn't know the answer.

Two weeks later..

The rest of the group may have forgotten or tried not to remember but I remember it vividly.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard my English teacher's thick, Irish accent.

"Good morning children!" He said with a lot of enthusiasm.

Mr Danbey was the most chilled out teacher I ever had. He doesn't give out detentions, just warnings.. lots of warnings.

"Naomi? Can you go to the supply cupboard and get A4 paper for the artwork.?" He asked patiently, he must have know I wasn't listening.

"S-sure sir" I say then excuse myself out if the classroom.

I reach the supply cupboard and hear a noise. I chose to ignore it.

Since the papers were high up I had to go on my tiptoes. I still couldn't reach it.

"Fuck me." I say quietly.

"Let me get that for you." A voice says behind me. It's Kendall.


He gets the papers then walks over to where I'm standing and hands then to me.

I was about to say thank you then he was walking closer to me. I walked back, thinking woah.

Eventually, my back hits the shelves. He bends down to my ear, then I smell his scent and get goosebumps.

He whispers "I know you like me" empathising on the know.


Instead of actually kissing me, he  walked away leaving me shocked and confused.

I know that bitch is not trying to seduce me. Right?

Eventually I took the papers back to class and Mr Danbey said "Finally!"

"Well sorry" I said.

"It doesn't matter, poppet. Right, time to get your artwork on class!"

I barely even drew, I was just thinking about Kendall, his smile, his laugh, his scent, his lovely smile, I really need to get over myself.

I cleared my mind and decided to finally sketch something, which was a girl letting go of a balloon with her hair flying in front of her and the balloon drifting in to nothings. It seems pretty dark but since I cleared my mind the only thing that came to mind was.. Carmen.


In case your wondering what celebrity or what person Kendall is he's not either. You can imagine Kendall to be any boy you want to be.

And if you want to know what Naomi's artwork looked like, use your imagination. As I said before this story isn't based on a celebrity just incase people want to think things differently and imagine the characters in the story to be who they want it to be.

958 words

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