Never Gonna Give In

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AN: I have decided to conduct a test... I have this story up on Fanfiction and I want to see how it does here. How much publicity it gets... So here we go!

Disclaimer- I own nothing except the OC's I created...

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving

Never Gonna Give In

Elena struggled in vain against the opposing chains that kept her shackled to the wall. She had no measure of time. Only that she had been in the dungeon like cellar for a long time. Weeks, months maybe. Fluids were relatively constant, but food was far and in between. She got enough so she wouldn't die.

Her captor would come down almost everyday and taunt her. Make her wish she was dead, but she held a strong front. Which only intrigued her majorly bi polar captor more.

"Come on, love, just give in and all this pain and suffering can come to an end." He jeered coming down to her eye level. She looked up through weak, exhausted eyes. "Go to hell, Klaus" She seethed through clenched teeth. "Only if you go with me." He replied wittily. Elena watched as his eyes shone gold, and his canine's descend, before he plunged them into her stomach. Blood immediately seeped into her mouth and dripped down her chin.

"There is an artery in your stomach, that if sliced will flood your system. It is called the abdominal aorta. It begins level with the diaphragm, and runs down the posterior walls of the abdomen. The blood is slowly rising, and eventually you will drown in your own blood. It is an extremely painful process, but very clean. Your heart and lungs, once fully submerged in blood will suffocate you. And I will wait until the very last moment, before I feed you my blood and if your lucky I will put you out of your pain permanently.

Elena was in too much shock to say much of anything, only that she so badly just wanted the pain to end. She could feel the blood slowly building up, as the air quality and quantity diminished drastically.

The demonic hybrid beside her listened as her heart beat became a mere whisper, before biting into his wrist and forcing it onto Elena's mouth. She swallowed hesitantly at first, but quickly started taking long draws of his blood. Elena looked up and saw the original hybrid's head rolled back, eyes golden, hazy slits. His breathing was labored as he became turned on sexually from the interaction.

Elena personally was not fond of the look in his eyes, lust mostly, but there was other emotions behind the hazy exterior. She was supposed to hate him, and the feeling was supposed to be mutual, but the both of them seemed to be very aroused by the intimate intercourse between hybrid and human.

Elena pushed the hybrid's arm away from her mouth before wiping away blood that had dripped down her chin.

"You my love would make a great vampire, and a terrific hybrid." Elena whimpered slightly. She never wanted to be a vampire, let alone a hybrid.

"You never even contemplated becoming a vampire? What about the Salvatore boys, you never considered eternity for them?" Klaus pressed while stroking the side of Elena's face.

Elena sighed. Sure she had thought about going through transition for Stefan, but in the end she didn't want to be a vampire because she was scared that she would not be able to control the blood lust. That she would be a ripper like Stefan, or worse. What if she had blood issues? Elena could never live with the fact that she had ended another persons life.

"You would make an amazingly extraordinary vampire, love." Klaus' lips were near Elena's ear as he spoke causing shivers to rack her spine. She so badly wanted those shivers to be of disgust, but they were quite the opposite. Pleasure was all she felt, an immense pleasure that she never thought she would feel from the monster from her nightmares. Yet here she was wanting so much more from the original hybrid.

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