Good News and Bad News

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AN: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ! I have good news and bad news... Good news the sequel has a title! It's called Revel in the Glory! Bad news... Okay so I got a horrid case of writers block, and I went back and re read NGGI. When I was finished I had many great ideas for the sequel, so when I got home after school I started brainstorming and then I did my homework which I had to use a laptop for. Since mines been done for quite a while I borrowed my mom's. After I finished the brochure I had to do I figured I'd write a little bit. This "I'll write for an hour" Turned into a writing fest from which I almost completed the first chapter and was gonna post it instead of this... But something totally weird happened and all my work got deleted... So in other words I am so sorry, but the first chapter of the sequel will not be out for a little bit longer. I'm thinking I'll probably write it during Christmas Break (Which starts in less than a week) and get it posted by Christmas Eve. It will be my Christmas gift to all of you. (Please remember time changes and all of that jazz so Christmas Eve for you might not be Christmas Eve for me. SO just keep and eye out for REVEL IN THE GLORY around Christmas time =)

Until then I shall give you the summary for the sequel.

The war is over. Ding freaking Dong the damned witch is dead! The problem now is that Klaus told Elena's friends to take her back to Mystic Falls to keep her safe during her recovery. But as we all know Elena is a beckon for trouble. Let's just say her recovery was nice, but evil waits for no one. The only problem is that her usual back up can't be reached... What happened to the Mikaelson's? Are they alright? Will Elena figure out that Tyler really isn't doing stuff for Klaus? Well I guess your just going to have to read to find out.

Okay so as I always say... Vote/Comment and keep an eye out for the sequel to this story. Hey and while your at it comment and tell me if your going to be reading Revel in the Glory. as well as what you want to see more of in it I love your guys' feedback!

Until Christmas! Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz -LoveLiving

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