A Beginning To The End Part I

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A Beginning To The End

Elena ran her hand through her hair shaking out any knots. "What are we going to do? Why would witches want to make rings that can let werewolves turn whenever they wish." The original family and Elena were in the ever popular meeting spot. The Mikaelson's living room.

"The witches want to restore the balance. By making these rings they can get the werewolves to destroy any hybrids. We are the two most powerful hybrids alive, the rings weaken us as they draw from our power. They also make us ravenous, killing as we see fit." Klaus pulled Elena closer to him stopping her from her dizzying pacing.Elena tried to stand back up, but Klaus kept her seated next to him. "Settle down, love. We'll take care of everything." Klaus soothed as he rubbed her arm gently. Elena, still stiff, rested her head on his chest. Listening to his heart beating, and feeling the rise and fall of his chest, letting him calm her.

"Let's not forget about Marcel." Rebekah said distastefully, as if she had a bad taste on her tongue. Elena supposed she did. "Get him to help us, then we kill him." Klaus suggested with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's not like he made a deal. Kol pointed out from his spot beside Elena. She had to admit, he had a point; Marcel may be old, but he was not old enough to take on the Original family.

While the siblings continued speaking Elena heard the door almost silently creak open. "Shh..." She motioned the Originals to be quiet and listen. "Marcel." Klaus mouthed, before calling out "Hello, old friend." Elena faked a small smile, but when he wasn't looking at her she pretended to gag, much to Rebekah and Kol's amusement. Marcel turned quickly toward Elena who coughed twice in discomfort. "So... Witch hunting?" The newest vampire to enter the room wore a malicious grin that made creepy shivers build up along her spine. "Alright! I'm ready to go kill some evil witches." Kol rubbed his hands together anticipating the upcoming plan. Elena beamed at the prospect of getting to do something. She made to stand up, but arms kept her seated. She looked at Klaus demanding, wanting to be let go. "Oh no. Your not going." Klaus passed Elena over to Kol who had groaned in protest as well. "Kol, Rebekah, you two please make sure Elena stays in this house." The original hybrid stared expectantly at his two youngest siblings. "But why Nik!" Rebekah gawked at her older brother in surprise. "You two my dear siblings, because you both have a tendency to get yourselves knocked unconscious. And Elena so not only does she not get hurt, but also so she can make sure you don't get into any mischief, and vice versa. Stay in the house." All three huffed before slumping back onto the couch with a flop.

Elena had her feet on the backrest of the couch while her hair hung over the seat. She hummed a soft tune, bored out of her mind. She heard sounds, opening her eyes she saw Kol holding a priceless vase. While Rebekah was making sure Kol didn't fall. Zipping over to the two siblings in a heartbeat Elena took the vase from Kol and setting it back on the antique table. "What are you doing?" She queried, arching an eyebrow. "Going out for a walk?" Kol looked at the ground sheepishly. Elena burst out laughing tears streamed slowly down her face. Once she was able to right herself she looked back at the youngest original siblings. Elena couldn't help but resemble them with children who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. "You guys need to work on your stealth. And this is coming from a girl a thousand years younger than both of you." Elena pursed her lips to keep from grinning stupidly. at that moment Elena felt the blood rush into her face.

Kol and Rebekah watched as Elena's eyes changed to a radiant gold color, that looked completely artificial. Veins crept around her eyes as her hybrid features took over. "Elena?" Rebekah looked at the girl before her, not knowing what was happening. Before their very eyes Elena was gone. Using vampiric hearing both listened for the hybrid. "She's in the blood cooler." Kol proclaimed heading downstairs toward where they kept blood bags stored. As they approached the door they peaked in to see Elena surrounded by at least four blood bags, and downing a fifth. "Get me into the cellar." Elena managed to get out while ripping open a sixth blood bag. "B-Why? Elena what's going on!" Rebekah looked terrified at what she was seeing before her. "Just do it! I won't stop." The doppelgänger/hybrid squeezed the last drops of blood from her eighth bag, throwing it on the ground with the rest.

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